soft toys for newborns...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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I have very limited soft toys - infact I have teddy bears and that's it!

I want to purchase a selection of soft toys, like soft rattles, squeaky things etc that will be safe for my newborn.

Can anyone recommend where I can get these things from. I've tried looking while I've been out and can only seem to find hard plastic things...

All help will be very much appreciated :hugs:
I bought a few toys for my DD before the birth but to be honest, it will be a while before they acknowledge them lol. People might buy you toys or give you vouchers too. In saying that, I have packed a small teddy for baby to get pictures of him/her beside it just to look back on. Think I bought it in tesco. When she was born we got ALOT of pink teddies from people.
The lamaze things look really good
im not really bothering with soft newborn toys though all she has is a Zebra from mothercare that rattles.
They don't really notice toys to start with but h loves the lamaze toys they're so bright and I'm going to buy him a few more!also the baby einstein toys he likes too!
The only thing Blake seems to like (and has done since he was born) is the Ikea mobile hanging over his changing mat. It was £4 and I bought it on a whim. It's a red hot air balloon with a donkey, frog and rabbit inside. Dunno why but he loves it!
same here noa spent first 6-7 weeks only intrested of his mobile!
hes 3 month n have only just started to like rattles n today i got hos octupus from lamaze!! i also got a lamaze musical worm. it looks so sweet but its for my nephew :( hes 4 weeks xx
Babies r us in toys r us have a great range of different soft toys x
I went and bought loads of toys and Lilly has only just started taking notice, she's much more entertained by people. The one thing she has always liked are music and lights so we've bought a thingy from ASDA that attatches to her cot and plays loads of different music, lights and your recorded voices for £20. It also has a sound sensor on it so it plays when she cries and settles her again..... in theory! She does love her musical mobile now though, and a musical rabbit that my MiL bought her..... all musical things.

I would say Lamaze too although charley only got interested in them around 10 weeks x.
Chloe loves music too - I've got a play mat that's worth £70 I think and the light/music stopped working so I was going to buy another one but i fixed it yay! Only to be dismissed!
But she is happy if karrang is on haha!! Xx
She loves her soft toys all dif textures she spends hours playing with them




The best thing she likes doing ATM is looking in the mirror! Lol glance of the future maybe lol xx
Just sneaked over from tri 2 a few days early... Evie, your pics are so lovely! Love the Lamaze toys.... Going to google them now. We have bought a few jellycats as they are cute, but more for us than baby :)
Oooo Evie, Lilly loves mirrors too, hehe. We have 2 in the kitchen that my OH dances her infront of when she's crying and sometimes it makes her stop. When she's giggly she loves it!

Lamaze toys are great :)

Chloé spends nearly all day on the floor rolling around she is a little pro at it now :) I think her aim is to roll to the mirror lol!!
Thanks girls :hugs:

I will defo be looking at the lamaze toys, they sound fab!

Thank you for the pictures too, what a lovely idea to post! Beautiful lil girl :)

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