Sods law!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I better not go into labour today,hubby hasleft his phone at home and I haven't got a clue wot his work number is...can't even drive to take it to him cos he's taken the car in to get it's mot work done on it-bloody sods law itl happen today lol xx
Men are hopeless when your due!! Look at tim and his Italy trip!!
Hopefully baby will wait until tonight. We need a labour watch!!! :D
He's got some of his workmates numbers in his phone so I could ring them-if I can remember their names lol.

It's typical cos I thought today would b a good day to go into labour cos he's got the car so would b quicker gettin home. It's only by chance that I found his phone aswel,I stripped the bed and it was under the quilt-otherwise I could've been ringin him all day lol xx
Men are hopeless when your due!! Look at tim and his Italy trip!!
Hopefully baby will wait until tonight. We need a labour watch!!! :D

I know-we haven't had 1 for a few days,I was hopin lexi would have gone in by now,although mikid's been induced today (I think) xx
Yeah I would quite like to go now!! I'm going for a walk round town with a friend in about half hour so I'll make it a good effective walk haha x
I've just got back from shoppin wiv my mum-I def get a lot of pressure wen I walk but tbh I cba to do walk anymore today,especially with a child that has a tendency to run off lol xx
I was hoping to go today cos it would have been my grandpa's birthday. But not a squeak! I went to the supermarket - as wandering around makes me feel heavy down below and I feel like its helping somehow. Anyway DD ran away and I had to break into a run (well weird lollop really) to catch her. Luckily she stopped (I had no chance haha!!). Not even that has worked. Still it's my brother's birthday on Sunday so maybe bubs will come on a significant date.

Emma - good luck - hope hubby home soon and all ok xx
Its my sis's bday on saturday but ive been told not to have him that day cos my sis is goin out 4 the night so my mum is havin her kids and doesnt fancy havin my 4yr old aswel as my 4 and 3 yr old neices lol. hubby should b home about 6ish,ive missed been able to ring him whenever i want tho lol xx
lol well ive been out shopping all day and all ive achieved is achey feet! haha! it does make me feel heavier down there but nothing else apart from that. we will see! x
Well I am assuming you didn't go into labour Emma and hubby has now been told what for regards the phone!!! Get a backup plan in place case he does it again..

Please go into labour, you and Lexi because we need more babies !

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