so worried- ive been told ive got a early pregancy cyst ???????????


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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hi i'm neally 10 weeks pregant:)
on xmas day i had a bit of pain and bleeding so to be sure i went to A and E.
they did me a scan and evrything was fine, although they sed i have a early pregancy cyst????? on my ovary i think
has any1 else been told they have this?
the midwife its normal and will shrink but i cant help but worry.
please help
melissa x
i wouldnt worry hun, i dont have any on my cysts so i cant comment on that but im sure if the midwife said not to worry its nothing it will prob just go away coz of the pregnancy hormones anyway x
everyone has a cyst in early pregnancy. It's where your egg matured and burst from its follicle. The cyst maintains your pregnancy in the early weeks - that's what produces the HCG chemical that will give you a positive pregnancy test. some sonographers report them, some don't. If they do they should really explain what they are and that they are normal and in fact essential :)
Ive removed your other thread as it was a duplicate and put this one with the replies in 1st Tri :flower:
thanks for ur advice both of you, i think i'm just worring because its my first time.
Of course. I worried with my second because they said the same thing. It wasnt until my private sonographer explained it properly to me that I realised it was normal. :)
Sonographers have a habit of worrying people by pointing them out if you have an early scan - but as Mervs Mum said it's completely normal. They saw one on my ovary when I had a scan at 6 weeks, and pointed it out as if it wasn't normal too. It was gone by the time I had my 12 week scan :)
o wow i never knew that stange how the body works :) x xx
i go for scans every 3 months cso of my cysts and the fact my sis had ovarian cancer and my aunt so i get monitored, but they still scare the bejeasus outa me!

i think its part of there job description haha
Well, I didnt know that either, wouldve worried me too! Glad its normal and everythings as nature intended! :)
Corpus Luteum cyst - my sonographer showed me mine on my scan, it shows which ovary your egg came from. 100% normal and essential!

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