So what smells are making you feel sick and wish you didnt have a sensitive nose?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2017
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I am 10.5wks and since around 6 weeks the smell of our laundry turns my stomach so much. Its becoming a pain as I cant physically do the laundry...which is ok when my husband isnt working away. Its got so bad that if washing is drying in our utiltiy room I cant go anywhere near that room and all the doors need to be closed. When we wash our bedding each week I have to sleep with a towel over my pillow and a blanket rather than the duvet till the smell fades.
You poor thing! Although annoying it does mean the laundry isn't all your job now :)

I'm literally only just pregnant so no symptoms or anything yet. Although in previous pregnancies I couldn't stand the smell of meat (so I went vegetarian for the majority of my pregnancies).
For me it's the smell of my work colleagues perfume, literally makes me gag at the moment, but cos I'm only 5 weeks and no-one at work knows I'm having to hide it!

Also the smell of pasta cooking randomly! Which means that pasta is now completely off my food plans!! Lol

I've had trouble with perfume and aftershave in the past as well as fresh air sprays. I think the worst one though was that when pregnant with my second my first was 5 months and when I got pregnant with this third my second was 9 months and both times around the 8-11 week mark I couldn't stand their smell - like their clean fresh out the bath baby smell and that made me feel awful :( x
The fridge. It's clean I've bleached it and it's fresh food in there but some thing is making me gip... I just don't know what! Maybe the cheese? Xx
Last pregnancy all smells made me sick, including the smell of my OH which was a really bad time. :( I hope I don't have that in this pregnancy at the moment no smells are really making me sick (6 weeks today) but I can deffo smell them more.

Rose that must have been awful :( it's a worry of mine now I can smell LOs breath now when she's on my knee whereas I never used to be able to, it's not horrible but it's a bit like ew and I move my head away.

Redbear the smell of fridges always made me nauseas even when not pregnant. :lol: I find them disgusting ha xxx

i struggled with the smell of food when i was first pregnant i wanted to vom every time i walked in a restaurant etc - horrible.

now its just bad smells that make me gag - usually have a hardened stomach with living on a farm but now even the smell of the farm urgh!!
I suffer from HG in pregnancy and the smell of everything and anything made me throw up my last pregnancy. I knew when the fridge was opened from 2 rooms away and couldnt have the windows open when the neighbours had laundry drying. It was miserable! If your own washing detergent bothers you might be worth changing brands I find some brands much worse than others. I can't use skip or tide even when not pregnant as it effects my asthma. There are eco friendly detergents that are expensive but much less agressive smelling.
I don't have anything specific, just absolutely everything. My worst moment was sending OH out to get a Chinese because I randomly decided that's all I could stomach after not eating for days, he walked in the door and I immediately spewed everywhere with no warning just from the smell of the bloody plastic bag never mind the Chinese itself. Horrific what our bodies do to us lol I'm at the stage if I don't laugh about it I will not stop crying!
Any cooked for me, the smell of cooking food makes me feel sick.
Pesto made me physically gag the other day, was making pesto pasta for ny little girls dinner, had to sit as far away as possible while she ate it! 😖
A bleach. i bought some extra strong bleach in a black bottle and i neber noticed beofre but my husband cleaned the toilet with it and i could smell it, from down in the living room with te door shut!

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