So stressed


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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Sorry ladies I have to rant and I even feel guilty for doing it!!!!!!! My mum is thin, eats healthy, walks every day and has never smoked she is 46 yet she had a heart attack tues. My dad phoned me at work as I work at the hospital and told me to meet the ambulance at a & e. I could hardly breathe when I saw her and cried so much that the doctor had to calm me down for pips sake. My dad has gone to pot as they are moving house Saturday and he is worried about my mum, he doesn't know where to start. So anyway I went to work wed and my boss told me I looked awful and take time off to help my dad and support my mum who is on a critical care unit. Last night my oh and I took dad out for tea then went to help him pack. My dad has arthritis and his hand was swollen so oh and I did packing of ornaments etc. As my baby is bigger I kept feeling dizzy when getting up and ended up throwing up as I was so tired in the end and light headed. I have hardly slept since tues night and I am now getting ready to start again today. People have offered to help with the move sat but it's the packing that is hard. I am so stressed and worried about my parents and now worrying about my little baby...,,sorry I'm in a mess!!
So sorry to hear about your mum must be a horrible stressful upset time for everyone invovlved. You need to take the help where you can people are great in situations like this and will rally round for you. You can only do so much so take your time and try to rest i between hostptial visits and packing, can the move not be delayed any unders the circumstances??
Well you would think so but the women moving to their house won't budge so either lose the sale of suffer for a few days! I have wished such nasty stuff on this woman, we were going to clean the house from top to bottom but she can get stuffed now will leave the dust as a moving in present!! Sorry bitchy hormones and lack of sleep lol x
Bless you love!
I really don't know what to say other than make sure that you take rest as much as is physically possible!
If anyone does offer to help with anything at all, say yes! It doesn't matter what it is, but you really do need the help! If there is anything else we can do for you, just call upon us.
Poor you!! First of all you need to get a doctors note and tell work you won't be in for at least a week - there is no way a doctor will refuse you on the grounds of stress. At least that is one weight off your mind then.

Secondly I'm obviously not aware of how things stand financially but there are companies that will come in and pack EVERYTHING for you, even down to the dirty plates in the dishwasher, but again not sure how much this costs, but to be quite honest, I think if it isn't a ridiculous amount then it would be worth it right now, both for the sake of you, your baby and your dad.

Next you ring all family friends and rellies, explain what's going on and tell them that their support would be massively appreciated at this time. Anybody can stand in a front room and throw ornaments in a box - you need to be spending your time either with your mum at the hospital or resting at home. On the day of the move all you need to do is ask people to set up the bare minimum - a made up bed for your dad so he can crash out and cutlery/plates in the drawers, and lots of local take away menus so no one has to worry about cooking. Everything else can be unpacked when there is time and less stress.

Please make sure you put yourself and bubs first. The stress of dealing with what is happening with your mum is more than enough - the house move as well puts you in serious danger of overload. Anything you need shout out on here - phone numbers etc. And if you live anywhere near Derby then I will come and organise the house move for you on Sat so you can forget about it and concentrate on the important things like your mum and your baby! Take care xxxx
:hug: Sorry you and your family are going through all of this. It never rains but it pours huh. Take whatever help is offered and try to relax as much as possible xxxxxxxxxx

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