so she finaly gone :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2011
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so my friend has un friended me and wants nothing to do with me :( ever since I got pregnat she hasent been the same with me :( we both started trying at the same time !! but she has made it clear we cant b friends :( :( I find it a shame ...she hasent evan given me a reason but just said I must b in denial if I havent worked it out yet !!!
I'm really sorry to hear this as I know you've been doing all you can to save your friendship. I think at the end of the day its envy on her part and she's just using every other excuse under the sun not to acknowledge that. Its probably for hte best as I can imagine she'd be a massive pain in the backside af
ater your LO arrives.

Chin up, you deserve better xx
just so upset it s come 2 this :( oh well
Agree! You deserve better. Someone like that can't use the title friend. A friend would be over the moon for you and would be excited as it'll be her turn soon. If she can't accept something like that she's gonna have a very hard, lonely life.

You'll make plenty more friends x
she said I seen loads of women get pregnant and ur no differnt !! so y on earth cant we b friends then or why cant she tell me y !!! she keeps telling me I am not jealouse who evan said to her she was !!! the more i think of it yes better off with out her
So sorry it has come to this but sounds to me like your better off without her! And when one door closes another opens. As LO grows you will meet plenty of new people and form lovely new friendships. I know it hurts just now though but it will get better xxx
It's such a shame she has behaved like this, but it is probably for the best. You have such an exciting time coming up and you don't need negativity around you. x
If she's the kind of person that is jealous and negative then she is not the sort of person that you want to be around, especially during what should be one of the happiest times of your life. It's hard but sometimes friendships just run their course and if she cant support you and be happy for you now then it's probably for the best that you cut ties with her.
There are plenty of other kind, positive and supportive people to be friends with :)
Thats ashame that your friend has done this... Hard situation. Can see both sides as its not nice trying for a baby and it not happening, but a friend should be there for you! Sucks!xxx
It sounds to me like she's green , a true friend would never turn her back on you at such an important time in your life you will most definitely be better off away from her in the long term be glad you saw her true colours for what they are move on negativity is not something you need now . xx
Its her loss honey. Not only is she missing out on your friendship but also the opportunity to be a part of your lo's life.
As the others have said, you are better off without her if she cant be supportive and happy for you.
I do see the other side very well i tryed with my x for 4 years so I do understand her pain :(
Sorry to hear that hun :hugs: It must be jealousy, it can do funny things to people x x
Sorry to hear this hun. Like the others have said a true friend wouldn't just abandon you like that. I understand she must be terribly upset but youve also been there by the sounds of it having been trying for 4 years so I'd have thought she could be upset but also pleased for you after so long if she were a good friend in the first place. I hope you feel better soon x
big hugs for you such a shame that ur friendship has came to an end xx
I'm really sorry to hear this jhun but there is a saying:

People come into your life for a reason, when they are no longer needed or have achieved what they are they for they leave.

I hope your friend does get in contact again xxxx
Wow! That is very sad.

Its sad that she was supposed to be ur friend and couldn't find it in her heart to be happy for u!
And its sad that she was so annoyed by it that she couldn't even pretend to be happy for u!

I, personally, wouldn't want any1 like her in mine or my baby's life, ur better off knowing her true colours. She sounds like an arse!

Hope ur ok x

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Awww, hope you're ok hun.

If she can't be happy for you, or at the very least supportive - then she's really not a friend at all.
She sounds very immature and a friend not worth having. You need positivity around you, not someone to bring you down. x
I'm sorry it has come to this for you but you deserve better. I was so nervous of telling my best friend I was pregnant as I knew she would hate the idea, she is quite 'possessive' and she always said she'd hate it if I got pregnant as she'd feel like she was loosing me, we work together very closely too and the thought of me being on maternity was hard for her (sounds mad but we have always been very close and went through being single mums supporting one another etc) Anyway I told her and she gave me a massive hug then hid in the toilet and cried for half an hour, when she came out we had a chat and I reassured her that it would all be ok, since then she's booked a 4d scan as a present to us and has been amazing, covering for me at work when I'm puking, buying me ginger biscuits and has been generally amazing.... Because she is my friend and wants ME happy...

You really deserve so much more... Lots of hugs to you xxx

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