so she finaly gone :(

so sorry you're going through this at a time when you need support. but like others have already said; she's not a true friend. i remember you talked about this a while ago, so you have put up with a lot from her already

chin up hun, she's sooo not worth it xxxx
I'm really sorry about this, like someone else said I know that this has been going on for a while and you have tried really hard to resolve it. Chin up and think of your little girl. It's sad to lose a friend but theres always a reason why and you will make new friends when baby is here :) X
thnxs ladies :D things r alot better today and I have sort of come to terms with it x
Sucks about your friend being a douche :(. But just look forward to the arrival of your LO :D. She doesn't sound like she's worth the worry. Chin up chicken :).

:-( that's so sad! I kind of lost my closeness with a friend too! it is a shame but your friend obviously isn't a great friend. Good friends communicate to each other! and would atleast explain!! She needs to understand it's a very hard time for you at the moment. Your body is working extremely hard at making your baby! you don't need any added stress. If she was a real friend she would know this! don't stress you will make lots of friends at baby groups or pregnancy groups. I made 3 best friends at Lazy Daisy birthing classes! and we attend our post natal class together and are going to do dolphin swim classes too! you should read up on some! x
Glad you are starting to come to terms with it, it's difficult but she really isn't someone you need around you if she feels this way. I lost a group of 5 friends 2 years ago because they didn't like my boyfriend (now my husband!) for literally no reason and hated that I had my own life. They made things hard for me and in the end I had to choose my husband and future and it's the best decision I've made, try to forget about them.. It's difficult but you come to realise that you don't need people like that in your life.. make yourself happy and let everyone else get on with it, true friends will be happy for you and supportive no matter what.
I know exactly how you feel, my best friend ditched me when i fell pregnant because i stopped going out to pubs/night clubs.
Immature if you ask me.

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