Hi all
Hope all is well. Jesus I am so pissed off of peeing on sticks. Not a smiliey face to been seen anwhere.
Had af on 2nd march starting using ov kits and got nothing don't think i am ov at all what the hell is wrong with me. Why can't men pee on sticks why can't it be them that need to ov (lol like that would happen)
Last time af was 35 days and no sign of her yet this month (i know it only 1st april) maybe she mightn't appear at all and i will get a bfp but don't think so (that would be immaculate conception) If i could get a smily face just once to put my mind at ease i would be happy. Feel so barron at the moment is unreal. Every where i look pregrant women seem to be. Have seen more babies in the past two days that i have ever seen (maybe i am noticing them now)
Hope all is well. Jesus I am so pissed off of peeing on sticks. Not a smiliey face to been seen anwhere.
Had af on 2nd march starting using ov kits and got nothing don't think i am ov at all what the hell is wrong with me. Why can't men pee on sticks why can't it be them that need to ov (lol like that would happen)
Last time af was 35 days and no sign of her yet this month (i know it only 1st april) maybe she mightn't appear at all and i will get a bfp but don't think so (that would be immaculate conception) If i could get a smily face just once to put my mind at ease i would be happy. Feel so barron at the moment is unreal. Every where i look pregrant women seem to be. Have seen more babies in the past two days that i have ever seen (maybe i am noticing them now)