So its full moon day


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2008
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and my OH is a keen wildfowler. He's off shooting tonight at midnight because he said its gonna be the fullest moon for 15 years tonight!!!

If that doesnt kick off us due and overdue ladies nothing will!!!!!!

Look forward to seeing who pops tonight. Hopefully i will be one of them, but i have a feeling im gonna go the full 14 days over :)
I was wondering if I might go today, but my midwife said this morning that she didn't think my little one was engaged at all (although they are breech so she said it's slightly harder to tell)

My DD was born on a full moon and the midwife unit was chocca with women in labour.
It's very odd - I would prefer LO to be overdue and push her birthday into January but I did say ages ago if she was to come early I'd quite like it to be on the 13th (it's a bit of a theme in the family! :roll: ) and now also there is a full moon the night of the 12th. :think:

I do hope not though as I have come out in a stinking cold and feel like death! :(
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: that its me tonight popping lol about to eat a fresh pineapple so fingers crossed :pray: :pray:
Come on all of you overdue/nearly cooked babies..........your mummies are getting impatient!!

There is definitely something in it though as my little chap has not stopped kicking and wriggling around all day......I have told him its far too early for him to come out yet though :D
You know what i stupidly had a search on google about full moon and labour lastnight and pretty much got all my exitement and hopes up :roll: I told OH today is the day my tide goes out and i pop :lol: i dont know why but i just am exited about it all :rotfl: i have my middy appointment at 5, so at 10pm your time guys and im hoping something happens before then!!!! :D
So anyone got any signs yet?

Got my usual cramps starting in my back, front and bum. Seem to get these everynight now but they never turn into anything.

Sod's law for my boy/f that I will start tonight just as he's off out because he's been looking forward to it for ages.

Come on emmie, you and me tonight. We need to pop. How good would it be if both our LO came tomorrow on our due dates!!!!
I've had a few twinges today but nothing concrete, i'm goign for a walk tonight. Gonna find a bench in front of the moon lol
it would be well cool if we both went into labour tonight, my bubs has been going mental today and been having funny pains on off all day but no more than normal lol.

Labour dust to us all :D :D :D

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