the full moon!

ooh :yay: hope its waters!! Someone on here said to smell it, cos if its waters it has a certain smell, but i cant remember what that is! sorry!

The first full moon water breakage of the evening! :yay: Melio will be furious with you ;)
Waters smell sort of sweet, not like weewee - good luck Tasha lets hope your waters have gone :yay:

I think my baby is lying sideways with its head down - I hope it turns during labour! :)
y'know how waters smell sweet, well i didn't notice that but what i did notice is its not like water but thicker and got a stringy feel to it. Like on ghost busters when they say 'you slimed me' like that :rofl: gonna check full moon dates for when i had my kids ....... xx
:shock: Maybe it is my waters then...just a VERY slow trickle! Gonna lie down for an hour with a pad on and see if baby's head moves away from my cervix a little to allow waters to pass. Eaten tea and had a shower so i'm all ready to go if baby is on his/her way. Had a few strong BH's - getting some back pain now too although that could be from yesterday...
ohhh lets hope so!!

I went into labour the day after a full moon with jacob, but the other 2 were no where near a full moon xx
Hope so Tasha - but again this queue jumping isn't fair!
Hope so Tasha - but again this queue jumping isn't fair!

Haha! I wouldn't get your hopes up - I don't think they've gone. I'm sat with a pad on now but I just feel a little damp, like you do when you're miles away from a toilet and you get caught out by the witch! :witch: lol!

Do you reckon it's worth a ring to the labour ward? I was told if I go into labour i've got to go in as if baby has somehow turned back breech i'll have to have an emergency section. Pregnancy is such a tease! :lol:
Just checked my pad - no fluid :-( Guess it was just wishful thinking! lol! Back to the ball I suppose...! :roll:
Everyone still here?? Would be brilliant if you all had of went at once the minute the full moon was in its glory :lol:
still here ... :clock:

the last 3 days Ive had 6 RLT tablets, 2 whole pineapples, 1 :bd:, 6 epo tablets up my floo, a curry, 2 walks and a full moon.

I give up!
Yep, Still here!

Sweep today. Full moon did b*llox all. Lets hope I can get something a bit more productive out of the midwife. :)

No new babys last night then?
well, I think we can sum up this full moon experiment. It has nothing to do with labour at all. hmph.

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