So I'm on team.........**Updated with pics**


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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.......................................... BLUE :blue: :dance:

Had a gender scan with babybond, they were great! He was scratching his wee chin and kicking his legs about :) he turned his back on us after a bit though, must have been getting fed up haha! Was great just to see everything was well with bubz and his wee heart beating away :cloud9:Will post pics tomorrow :D xxx
Oh that's lovely, congrats on team blue xx
Yay :) congrats... team blue:) have you bought anything blue yet??

I've been waiting to see how you got on as I have a babybond gender scan booked for Monday. I'm curious of what the 4dfreeview is?? did you get 3d pics?
yay for team blue. so pleased it all went well for you.

i think im gonna go for a babybond. sound brilliant, xxx
Yay :) congrats... team blue:) have you bought anything blue yet??

I've been waiting to see how you got on as I have a babybond gender scan booked for Monday. I'm curious of what the 4dfreeview is?? did you get 3d pics?

Not yet, I will tomorrow after work though lol! I saw some cute little outfits in boots for boys :D

I replied in the other thread hun, don't know if you saw it? I will copy and paste it :) ...

'Hey Bluebell! It was great :D I'm on team blue!!

They were sooo nice, I was a bit late because of the weather and we couldn't find the place lol! But they were lovely :) We were in for about 20mins and she showed us the chambers of the heart, spine, wee button nose :) babys little fingers etc.. Then she went down below and we could clearly see that he was a boy lol! She spent lots of time just showing us him from different views and letting us see him wriggle about. He was kicking his wee legs and scratching his chin haha! Definitely worth it and I'm sure you will have a great time hun! Can't wait to hear about yours xxx'

The woman only put 4D on for a minute or two and to be honest it wasn't great, I think it's still too early to see baby properly because they've not got much fat on them yet.. She said she doesn't like using the 4D much on scans earlier than 20-22 because baby looks so bone'y- lol! The 2D is really good though! :D I was more looking forward to the 4D but the 2D was great :D It's really good quality and they put it up on a big TV on the wall so everything looks so clear and you and who ever is with you can see it well :) We didn't get 3D pics to take home, but we got 6 2D pics and she gave my Mum one in her own little envelope hehe :) xxx
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I would defs recommend them nmf1987 x
Congrats on team blue Hun xxx
'Hey Bluebell! It was great :D I'm on team blue!!

They were sooo nice, I was a bit late because of the weather and we couldn't find the place lol! But they were lovely :) We were in for about 20mins and she showed us the chambers of the heart, spine, wee button nose :) babys little fingers etc.. Then she went down below and we could clearly see that he was a boy lol! She spent lots of time just showing us him from different views and letting us see him wriggle about. He was kicking his wee legs and scratching his chin haha! Definitely worth it and I'm sure you will have a great time hun! Can't wait to hear about yours xxx'

I'm even more excited now :) Can't wait for monday :)
What one is it your going to Bluebell? You will love it :)
Thanks Shauna, how long is it until you know now? x
Ahh I see, wasn't sure of you were in Scotland or not x
I usually drag myself out of bed 20mins before I need to leave for work, this morning I bounced out of bed an hour early lol, think I'm still on a high from seeing baby hehe :cloud9:
Awww congrats hun, told you they were great, sorry to hear about the 3d though x
I wasn't too bothered about the 3D hun, you were right when you said it will maybe be a bit early. The 3D was a bit freaky because baby just looks all bones just now lol! The 2D and the woman doing it made up for it though :) I'm sure the 3D would be amazing when people are 20+ weeks x
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Yeah well you can always go back if you wanted to in the future, I was warned too when the 3d went on as I was only 22 weeks but could see, although not much baby fat was on him.... yay team blue for us thanks to Babybond x

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