so ill


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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I hope I'm not being too mellowdramatic but I feel awful!!!
I am not sleeping properly at night to the point I'm sleeping at 4/5am and waking at 10am.
And my body cannot take it n now I'm so run down I'm ill. Gone from a cold to chest infection :(
Does anyone else have a sleepin issue? Or gotten really bad cold during pregnancy?

And does ANYONE knw what I can do to get some decent sleep? Normally OH snores like a fog horn so that don't help. But I'm so tired to the point I want to smash my head into a wall.
Literally in tears. I need sleep.

Any advice would help

*ps:I've. Tried to sleep at 10/11pm.....I wake up at 1am. Tried havin a warm bath before bed n switich off everything (I jus lay there in the dark until day breaks)

Hi Lealea I had this issue in the early days really bad and I still get it sometimes now although it has eased off. I cant offer much help im afraid as I dont quite know what I did to help it?? are you drinking a lot in the evening ?

the other thing I found helped was one of those long pillow things it just make me more comfortable??

sorry hun I know my advise isnt great but I do know how feel I used to cry every morning because I was too tired to go to work! :hugs:
sorry to hear you not feeling too good. Sorry not got any tips but know how you feel. ive been on nights this week and was getting approx 3 hours sleep a day. was really shattered, last night was my first sleep since finishing nights and i must admit i sleept really well!! i hope u manage to sleep soon xx
I'm also having sleep problems... not getting to sleep until 3 or 4am in the morning and then up for work at 7am or waking up earlier than that sometimes and getting through the day on 3-4 hours sleep. Grim!

I seem to have one night of not being able to sleep and then next night catching up and going to bed at 9.30pm but still not sleeping right through.

I've got a cold as well and know that not getting any sleep really isn't helping!!

Sorry - not really got any tips but I know how you feel!
I agree with everyone dear..I am in the same boat with sleep waking up at 3 every morning and then unable to sleep after that...For cold you can hot drinks like hot helped me...even to go to sleep..:) It will pass quickly dear..I had my best sleep between 20-26 all nights have been crazy
When my hubby snores I put ear plugs in. Work a treat and I always sleep.

I hope you can get sorted soon.
you can take the lemsip drinks for your cold as well
I have this problem, been better the last few days since about your stage actually, so it might ease for you. I was going to the toilet 3/4 times a night, and had to stay awake till 12 midnight on PF to be sooo tired I could go half the night then get up for the loo, as I never could get back off once I was up in the early hours.

the last few days I have been sleeping from 10/11 pm till about 5 or 6am, with no toilet breaks or at most 1 ! I'm hoping this is the break i wanted , but I must admit , I am still very tired when I wake, so perhaps it's not all a good type of deep sleep still.

hope it eases soon hun X
I have been sleeping badly the whole way through pregnancy, DH snores but luckily (in this sense) he's not home a lot and when he is he is brilliant at getting up and moving to the spare bed so I can get my sleep.
I asked the midwife about this back at 15 week appointment and she said that it happens to most women and just to sleep when I felt tired and days when I'm not at work to nap as this is what I will have to do when baby is here.
Sorry, think its just one of those things :)
yesterday I was feeling the worst I have in my pregnancy by far, I was sweating even spending a couple of hours outside when it wasn't really warm... a warm bubble bath and curling up into a ball in bed for the night helped me
as for your partner, I agree with Mrs_B - ear plugs? :)
hope you feel better soon XX
Oh wow, thanks ladies.
I didn't knw how common this issue was. I've been skimming pregnancy books like I was lookin for the holy grail. And got nothing.
Again I'm awake. But I was told the same thing. Don't fight it, just sleep when I need to sleep.

My chest infection is easing *thanks antibiotics*

I knw this is a really stupid question coming from a 25 yr old.....but where do I get ear plugs from?

Thank you thank you thank you all again.

Well, I'm sure ur all in bed so I'm going to go read until I doze off.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *hugs* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You can get them from Boots - usually in the travel section :)
Superdrug do some nice ones you get 3 paris for £1.39 and a case for them. I use for sleep and for when my hubby's band are playing gigs.

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