so fed up with sickness :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
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argh girls im so sad atm. the sickness is really getting me down :( for the past couple weeks i just cant be myself! im being sick and feeling sick all the time! i cant work, can barely stand up! which means im getting no money :( my flat is such a mess cuz i dont have the engery to clean, i swear the OH just thinks im lazy.

but its getting to the point i dont wanna get up in the mornings as i know im just gunna puke! and its hurts when i do.
im more tired then i ever thought humanly possible and it dosnt matter how much i sleep , i cant go anywhere incase im sick or start feeling faint, i cant eat and its just all making me really down. just all taking its toll on me physically and mentally now.

im so grateful for this pregnancy and dont wanna be seen as moaning but im not me anymore , just cant wait to be better :(

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book to seeyour docor midwife for it as you can get anti sickness tablets alsosea bands take the edge off if you wesr them all day and keeo them in correct spot - avaiable from boots and other places
I had it exactly the same as you've described, I just wanted to crawl into a hole it was so bad. Definitely go see your gp or midwife, I was given the anti sickness stuff and it really helped! Don't suffer with it :hug:
I'm lucky not to have suffered half as bad as you, as I've not actually been sick....but there is light at the end of tunnel. I started feeling lots better last, and now would go so far as feel human and nearly myself again xxxx
Hope u feel better soon xxxx
Minxies - I am whinging about the complete opposite!! hope u feel better soon! xx
Minxies, I posted this same thing about 2weeks ago, it's so horrible isn't it, this is my 2nd child and it was the same with the first, I think weeks 7-8 are the worst, hang on in there and it WILL get better in a few weeks and about week 12 often goes completely, the good news is that it is a good sign for the pregnancy, know that dosen't help much though!
Mine went away and came back this week!!! It is awful isn't it?? And I kept telling myself to man up but it just felt so horrific I couldn't!! I also think weeks 7 and 8 were the worst so fingers crossed. But definitely head to the GP as there is stuff you can get to help. xxx
Hello girls, i'm 7 weeks pregnant and the last 2 weeks have been the worst. Feel sick all day long, dizzy and extremely tired. Although i haven't trowed up i feel awful 24/7. Have just asked my husband to buy me preggie drops that everyone says works wonders.Read about preggie drops in pregnancy & Birth magazine as well . Perharps its good to give it a try ok. Has anyone tried these herbal sweets ? We will buy them from Amazon today . Will let you know how it goes .
Hey huni just seen this post just wanted to say unfortunatly it doesnt always go away, i was really sick all the way through i mean i was sick 2, 3 times a days sometimes and couldnt keep alot down. My midwife told me to keep hydrated and although u feel sick try and eat small amounts regularly. I was even sick during labour. As for the tierdness thing i was also the same but i had to get up for college but as soon as i got back from col i went to bed and wouldnt wake up til the next morning. Some people have rubbish pregnancies and some people have great ones. Your sickness and tierdness might pass after 12weeks i think they say u start feeling better but i didnt, nor did i blossom lol. I hope u feel better soon hun, take care xx
Awww I know how you feel! I've just come out of hospital due to dehydration coz all I was doing was being and feeling sick! I'm 13 weeks tomorrow and was really hoping the sickness would be easing by now but no such luck :( Hope it starts getting better soon x
Aw girls I hope it does all that's keeping me going is that hopefully it will pass in a couple weeks! Fingers crossed! I'm coping with it a bit more as I'm learning to expect when its gunna happen. And I seem to be able to keep my evening meal down aslong as I'm sick before it. Sorry tmi lol! But I do love the fact that I read on the net that a pregnancy with nausea has a very low chance of mc as the hormones are so strong so it makes it worth it. Not much help when I'm crying on the bathroom floor cuz it hurts to be sick but hoping it dosnt last. Naughty monkey! Xx
Bug is making itself known too....Keep giving me waves of it bleurghhh...

Anyway didn;t want to read and run :)
I've had this for almost 6 weeks now. It's slowly subsiding now I'm 12 weeks. It still catches me out.

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