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So far 3 days of flashing smiley face on CB opk


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2017
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The past two cycles I have only had 1 day of the flashing smiley face on my CB opk before the solid face being displayed. This morning gives me 3rd day flashing smiley face.I am not sure if that is okay ? I have always got my peak between CD#11 and 13. Today is CD#13 and worried I will either not ovulate or ovulate really late and I am going away to icleand in 4 days and hoping I don't miss it. Has anyone had 3 days of high fertility before peak? Why does this happen? I am sure LH hormone should have been released by now:wall2:
Anyone have any advice? Got 4th flashing smiley fave today...not good !
I wouldn't worry too much just keep dtd! The month I fell with my second daughter I had 6 days of flashing smilies! So frustrating but you will eventually get that solid! And even if you don't because the reader missed your surge, if you dtd every day/every other your still covered! X

Thanks that gives me hope. I have been dtd every day since the flashing face and was dtd every 2nd day prior to that but I am worried I miss the peak as today is CD#14 and I go away to Iceland with my friend on CD #17 and I have normally ovulated on CD#14 . The same thing happened in January and I missed the peak, I have a feeling it's happening again and this is only 3rd time ttc....typical ! :roll:
Remember his swimmers can hang around waiting up to 5 days so you're still in with a chance even if you're away. Enjoy Iceland!
Remember his swimmers can hang around waiting up to 5 days so you're still in with a chance even if you're away. Enjoy Iceland!

I got 5th day of flashing face again....what is going on? I started taking agnus catnus 2 weeks ago do you think that can effect length of ovulation? I am not having much luck as I missed the 1st peak days in our 1st cycle ttc and looks like am missing the 3rd cycle too. I reckon the swimmers must not hang about long due to the fact when missing peak days it's not happening. I wanted to dtd longer this month (the 2 peak days and a day after that) we are not having much luck with timings of me being away. Nothing else booked now though. If we don't cover the peak days I know it won't be happening which means I would need to get a solid face tmrw morning.
My 1st time using the cb dual hormone I got a low straight to peak...

My 2nd cycle (now )

I got 3 highs then peak

Vitex doesn't make a difference hunni!

I did notice that on this cycle , I got 2 highs so I checked on the 2nd day later in the evening and it
Was peak so technically I have 2 fertile days and a half then I go peak!

I currently take vitex and myo inositol xx
Lennie 1st cycle i had no high just straight to peak. 2nd cycle I had 1 day of high then straight to peak...this cycle I am on 5th day of high....worried I won't ovulate or something...I leave on thursday afternoon so if no solid tmrw I am out this cycle as missed the peak time....totally gutted . Feel lile its never going to happen
Fx for you hunni , I've heard that people get 8 or 9 flashing can last for 5 to 6 days hunni am 31 nearly and over the years I've gone from 6 fertile days to just 2 which is why it's taken me so long to fall pregnant again! :( it's amazing what you miss don't lose hope because I felt I had to test on the 2nd high late evening and the peak was there ... xxx
Fx for you hunni , I've heard that people get 8 or 9 flashing can last for 5 to 6 days hunni am 31 nearly and over the years I've gone from 6 fertile days to just 2 which is why it's taken me so long to fall pregnant again! :( it's amazing what you miss don't lose hope because I felt I had to test on the 2nd high late evening and the peak was there ... xxx

I have about 3 peak days but if it doesnt happen from tmrw morn I have missed my chance this month as I am away and like i said it happened in January too. So gutted to keep missing it. I am 33 ..so worried as I don't have any kids and fertitily drops 35 and I am 34 in august . I don't think I can get BFP only dtd on highs as thats what Ive mostly been doing as it hasn't worked. I know I need to dtd on the day of peak result and then the further 3 days.
Oh forgot to ask is it a bad thing having a cycle when you have several flashing faces. So bizarre as the longest I've had is one day before now...making me worried !! What can cause delayed LH surge?
Oh forgot to ask is it a bad thing having a cycle when you have several flashing faces. So bizarre as the longest I've had is one day before now...making me worried !! What can cause delayed LH surge?

Anything can delay it hunni , unfortunately :( you might be a few days later ovulating not many women ovualte the same time every month this month I was cd 24 last month I was cd 22 the month before I don't think I ovualted , I've been reading and it says if you get 9 flashing smilies then stop testing as it's unlikely you will ovualte like I say am 31 and if I didn't test when I noticed cm change I'd of never know my peak was half way through the day can't you take it with you to keep testing? Have you tested again? And also in the ewcm spearmint can last for 4 to 5 days too! :) xx
Lennie I tested it an hour ago and it's still flashing. I have had twinges on left side all day and I have EWCM since yesterday but still no solid face but feels like I am ovulating very soon. Yeah I can take it with me and test but Hubby won't be there with me and Im away for 5 days so just going to dtd tonight tmrw and thur morn before I go as that is the best I can do but if no solid face tmrw I am counting myself out of the tww as no point when didn't cover the peak time. I am just frustrated I seem to be out the country every time I hit the peak window. I take it I am right that its unlikely if you don't dtd over the peak time?
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Lennie I tested it an hour ago and it's still flashing. I have had twinges on left side all day and I have EWCM since yesterday but still no solid face but feels like I am ovulating very soon. Yeah I can take it with me and test but Hubby won't be there with me and Im away for 5 days so just going to dtd tonight tmrw and thur morn before I go as that is the best I can do but if no solid face tmrw I am counting myself out of the tww as no point when didn't cover the peak time. I am just frustrated I seem to be out the country every time I hit the peak window. I take it I am right that its unlikely if you don't dtd over the peak time?

Not at all hunni if you have the ewcm your still in with a chance :) don't count yourself out till af arrives
My 2nd son I bled most the way through I actually thought I had my period I only found out at 14 weeks I was actually pregnant , I'd say if you cover what your going too before you leave you're in with a chance fx for you hunni I only bd on my first peak but also 3 days before I still count myself in :) every month regardless of peak don't be too disheartened with it because you never know what could happen ewcm usually happens right before your ovualte I got it the day before my peak for the 3rd cycle running xx
Okay thank hunni all I can do is dtd when I can. My plan was to dtd 4 days past my peak as I have ewcm day before peak and then a few days after si I think I must ovulate 48 hours after my peak and I haven't dtd past my 1st peak day. Next cycle I am just going to dtd every 2nd day from day 10 to day 17 and not chart to see what happens as charting hasnt worked for me so far!
Okay thank hunni all I can do is dtd when I can. My plan was to dtd 4 days past my peak as I have ewcm day before peak and then a few days after si I think I must ovulate 48 hours after my peak and I haven't dtd past my 1st peak day. Next cycle I am just going to dtd every 2nd day from day 10 to day 17 and not chart to see what happens as charting hasnt worked for me so far!

Charting is the only thing I don't do that's purely because I know I'll forget lol!

Fingers crossed for you hunni! Lots of baby dust your way! Xxxx
Yay I got my solid face 7am this morning . I knew it was near as had the pains last night so we dtd last night which makes it 5 nights in a row covering the high fertitily days. We are going to dtd today amd tmrw morning before I leave which covers the 2 peak days. The only thing is I am not sure if I will ovulate today instead of my normal day after peak as had my temp did pre ovulation at CD#13 to 36.0 then this morn its 36.2 but I think it needs to go higher maybe ? Anyway at least I can cover the 2 peak days but I did want to cover 3 days from peak.
Hi alexis I had 5 days of flashing smileys in January but in February it went straight to a solid on the first day of testing! I think just keep dtd as the girls have said to cover yourself. Good luck x
Yay I got my solid face 7am this morning . I knew it was near as had the pains last night so we dtd last night which makes it 5 nights in a row covering the high fertitily days. We are going to dtd today amd tmrw morning before I leave which covers the 2 peak days. The only thing is I am not sure if I will ovulate today instead of my normal day after peak as had my temp did pre ovulation at CD#13 to 36.0 then this morn its 36.2 but I think it needs to go higher maybe ? Anyway at least I can cover the 2 peak days but I did want to cover 3 days from peak.

Just cover yourself regardless as said above! There's nothing wrong with covering yourself and at least trying... You never know this could be the one!!

Baby dust to you x
Hi alexis I had 5 days of flashing smileys in January but in February it went straight to a solid on the first day of testing! I think just keep dtd as the girls have said to cover yourself. Good luck x

Yeah I have been dtd every day for past 5 days..this will be day 6... hoping for my Christmas baby 😀 Hubby seems to think this is the month haha. I am just happy I got the peak. At least 5 days out of the ttw I am away on hols to iceland so will take my mind off it for a while. Hope your enjoying your break Melly! I am going to try no opks and charting next cycle if no bfp thid time.I feel I need a break from it for a month and just dtd from CD#10 -CD#17 and see what happens !

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