So confused


New Member
Dec 14, 2015
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Hi all. Im new here, just found this sight and there seems to be a lot of support here which is very reasuring.
So here goes. I found out on the 1st i had lost my baby at 8 and a half weeks. As many of you know that feeling of being hit by train when you hear the words "im sorry we cant find a hearbeat". That was a feeling i have never experienced before and never want to again. Me and my partner were trying for 4 months and were very very lucky to concieve so quickly as i have polycystic ovelaries and endometriosis so i was over the moon happy when i found out at 3 weeks. I had a d and c 4 days later which went well that i know of as i had no follow up after the op just told to eat drink and wee before i leave. It was 10 days ago now, im still spotting which is fine but the cramps are awful. I ended up in AnE on saturday after callin 111 but the hospital here is not good at all. She tested my urine for infection and pregnany she said both were negative and i had the hormone level of a non pregnant woman but when i got home the test went positive straight away he also said there was no active bleeding which i knew was wrong as i bled when i got home and clotted that morning not helpful at all. I went the doctors today and they put me on anti biotics just incase i have an infection but he didnt say wheather i did or not. Theres so much info on the net but every site says different things. If you have these symptoms go see your gp asap then others say its normal others say you need another op, you shouldnt bleed after a few days, the cramping will ease after a few hours etc etc. I dont no what to believe or think. Has anyones else had anything like this?? Im just abit paranoid as iv read it can cause issues concieving in the future and i want to try again asap. Im so sorry for everybodys loss on here. Its not fair when this happens, mother nature can be so cruel sometimes :( heart goes out to you all.

Sorry for the essay.

Any help would be reasuring

Hi MissA, sorry to hear about your loss.

If you aren't happy with how things have been left and you are still having pain then go back to either the hospital or your GP (whoever you think is more understanding and will take your concerns seriously, is there a different hospital you can go to if you aren't happy with the original hospital?).

With both of my mcs after the first few days the pain went and I just bled. I didn't have a d&c either time though.
Sorry to hear you are going through this.

It can be such a confusing time, and I lost my baby over a month ago so I know how you feel.

My advice :- Reading things on the internet can be reassuring but it can also have the opposite effect as you start getting paranoid that it will all go horribly wrong (well even more than it has) Everybody is so different, everyone bleeds different amounts, everyone bleeds for different lengths of time, everyone has different pain - some none at all! If I was you I would phone the hospital and talk to the Nurse who dealt with you there when you had your scan and ask for advice - they are the specialists who deal with this every day and should be able to help you.

My story - I started bleeding, had a scan the next day and was told it was a miscarriage. The first week I was having contraction like pain (I phoned my doctor for strong pain relief to get through it) bled and passed one large clot , I then continued to bleed for 3 more weeks. Then the last few days bled very heavily and then it stopped - It may have been a period I dont know.

Things to worry about:- If things start to smell foul down below - could indicate an infection, pain on one side, which i assume as you had a scan they shouldve picked up if it was ectopic, but obviously im NOT a doctor, and if you are worried talk to a professional, its what they are there for!

*hugs* its a horrible horrible time and it just takes a bit of time to get through.
I was told that if I had a positive hpt after 3 weeks from the start of the mc/d&c then go back to epu I did just that everything was fine with me nothing was left or infected but it took at leat 4 weeks for a negative hpt. If your in pain it could be sorry for tmi a clot stuck in your cervix I had that with my 2nd a gyne used like a cotton bud to clean me out the pain went almost instantly. So that may be a simple reason for the pain. Maybe a long bath may help? If in doubt though go back and get checked out.

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