So confused now, not sure what to think of feel...


Jun 20, 2012
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Hi everyone I'm new here so you'll have to bare with me...

I found out sat 9th June I'm pregnant after having suspicions and being late. I couldn't have been happier after trying three years to conceive after a miscarriage in April 2009. :)

All was fine although very worried incase something should go wrong again.

On thursday last week I began to have light bleeding although was a dark brown and only really when I wiped so I wasn't horrifically worried as I put it down to possibly implantation bleeding as worked out I was 5 weeks. The dark bleeding continued the following day and became slightly more and was evident on pad. I called my GP on the friday explaining my worries who arranged an early scan at my local emergency gyny unit for Tuesday.

Over the weekend the bleed became much heavier loosing large clots and very clearly not old blood anymore. I had no pain but due to the amount of blood passed this off as I'd miscarried after reading how many women miscarry with very little or no pain.

On Monday the bleed had slowed again it seemed the worst was over. And by Tuesday morning just before my appointment was barely evident except when wiping.

I went to the scan under protest I was convinced it was all over and I'd lost our baby. My partner was insistent I went along to make sure I was ok.

I had the shock of my life when the Nurse tech who completed my scan told me that the pregnancy sac was still in place and that the yolk was clearly evident. I had an internal scan to try and detect a heartbeat but due to being so early could not be found so I have another appointment next Friday (29th)

I was advised by a dr after the scan that the bleed could be seen on the scan but this could still be a viable pregnancy. And that it may just be a miscarriage taking its time.

I lost so much blood and still continue to be bleeding now (although very light and darker again) with no signs of it giving up. still no pain.

I just don't know what to think or how to feel. I'm happy that the sac is still in place obviously and that the yolk is present but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up asI'd already convinced myself id miscarried, I don't want to get my hopes up and have them shattered next Friday.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Or have any advice?? It would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for rambling on or if a case of tmi....and hello and congratulations to all you expectant mummies :)
I'm going though something similar, found out pregnant Thursday 7th June bleeding next day but no pain. Wrote the pregnancy off then did a digi which said 1-2 and it now says 2-3. I've got a scan booked in for next week.

I didn't have any clots but a lot of bleeding so I hope I have the same outcome as you xx
good luck, I hope all goes well for you.

Its the waiting around and not knowing that's killing me, driving me insane!
I don't have any advice, just didn't want to read and run. It's not nice being in limbo, just waiting as such, but hopefully when you go back you will get an answer one way or another. And I think if you do start to get any pain you should ring up ASAP xx good luck xx
Don't have any advice for you hun only take each day as it comes, I hope that everything works out with your bean and you get yours answer asap. Xx
Hey I feel your pain. The waiting is the worst. Make sure you rest as much as possible.
Hope your ok hun, hope everything is ok and it's all positive. Fx'd for you. Xxx
Hey hun,
I had almost exactly the same thing when I was 6+3. My bleeding came on very quickly, almost as if something had popped inside me and there was a massive amount of blood. I was passing very large clots and only got pain when they were passing, not unbearable, just uncomfortable. I though the worst and was almost certain in my mind that there was no way a tiny little baby could have made it through that.
I when to A+E and they scanned me and baby was fine. I was further along so saw a heart beat which was good. I went back for another scan 2 weeks later and everything was fine :D
The doc could see the bleed but didnt know why it had happened or where it was coming from. They did say it was under the baby so shouldnt cause a problem. I bleed on an off brown blood for 3 weeks after and now its stopped.
Hope this gives you abit of reassurance.
Babys are stonger than we may think :)
Thank you all so much for your kind words, really means a lot. And Stevesgirl1 your story brings me hope. Hopefullly we're as lucky and get the result we want on Friday. Xx

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