So confused. Miscarriage? CP?

Well the bleeding has started, at least I am not left waiting I guess??

Glass of wine later me thinks :roll:

Nat I'm so sorry to read about this.

I hope your celebrations this weekend for little James' birthday take your mind off everything.

Big hugs hunny :-( I'm so sorry, my 3rd loss started the day after my bfp and it's so horrible being so short lived, I'd still get in touch with epu just to make sure everything is ok with you (I'm the same, they're saved as a contact in my phone a few times lol) always here if you want to chat x x
Managed to finally speak to someone from EPU and it was the same old story.

No need to come in unless I have a massive bleed or am still getting a positive in a few weeks.

Nurse I spoke to was sympathetic.

I am going to try and book a GP appointment to get it logged on my file but nurse did say that when (and it was a definite when not "if") I have another pregnancy then I can just tell them all of this at the booking appointment.... I don't need to "log" it as such.

Feeling a bit meh at the moment... so many BFP announcements since mine ... I can't think like that though! I refuse to have my life dictated but 'what ifs'

Its made us both realise that we want another baby so we'll TTC proper from May next year.

Our recurrent miscarriage testing showed no actual reason but if we have any more losses I will get in touch with the clinic

youve always wrote me nice messages when ive had my losses and given me hope as you managed to get your baby. so just want to say im sorry, its really not fair :( but will have my fx for u next time . id say it was an early misscarriage , when i mentioned id had a chemical pregnancy to my docter they put it on my file as early misscarriage. i dont know if they use the term chemical or not? :/ xxx hope you manage to feel better soon
Oh Nat, :-( Did the hospital not put u on any medication etc for your recurrent mc's? Mine had no reason either but I was put on a few different things to help my body "hold on to" a pregnancy. I have everything crossed for you for all the success possible in the future. X x
Oh Nat, :-( Did the hospital not put u on any medication etc for your recurrent mc's? Mine had no reason either but I was put on a few different things to help my body "hold on to" a pregnancy. I have everything crossed for you for all the success possible in the future. X x


I got BFP with James the day before our results and there was nothing I was offered.

I actually made the consultant prescribe me high dose folic acid as I felt that coming away with nothing was a waste... It did the trick though...

Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Enjoy your time focusing on each other. Wishing you a very sticky bean when you're ready to try again! X
:-( it's so frustrating I didn't get my results back till I had my bfp either but they still put me on loads, how strange x
I hate the term chemical pregnancy, it makes it sound like it wasn't as important or a real baby or something, to me it's a miscarriage no matter what the stage.

I went through it a couple of weeks ago, BFP from 12dpo/7dp5dt and blood test confirmed it wasn't meant to be 4 days later and a week after testing I got AF :( it's so heartbreaking.
Thinking of you :hugs:
Had a shock pregnancy announcement yesterday.

BIL and his new GF. She is about 8 weeks and they only just found out.

Not proud that my initial reaction was to burst into tears and feel incredibly jealous. I would love to get to 8 weeks without even knowing :shock:

Although they are a new couple they are late 30's both have good jobs and houses and are both over the moon so at least it was a happy shock. Had they not been happy about it I'd have been heartbroken.

I managed to paint on a smile and congratulate them both....

It's mad that every loss I have had - bar the second - someone close to us have announced a pregnancy (and gone on to have a baby!!)

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It is hard hun, I wondered how it had hit you with your recent loss, always here if you need to chat as you know x x
Sorry to hear you're having to deal with all that on top of everything Nat, so rubbish.

My brother and sort-of-sister-in-law are currently in tri 2 of an unexpected (I think) pregnancy, and if my wee bean doesn't stick it's going to make seeing them hard. It's too difficult not to feel hurt and resentful when you go through a loss.

Just try to focus your energy on James and on a future baba, whether it's soon or down the line xxx
Well I look to be gearing up to ovulate.

Getting super faint lines as normal so expect them to get darker in the next few days...

I want to wait a few cycles though.

Sorry hun :(

I have read that a chemical is between 4 and 5 weeks, technically it is a mc from those dates xxx

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