So confused. Miscarriage? CP?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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4th time in here for me :wall2: :wall2:

Period was due 7th but never arrived so I tested 7th, 8th and 9th (all bfn's on cheapies)

I tested again on 13th in the afternoon and got a bfp on cheapie and 1-2 on digi. Five hours later - just after making an announcement on here - I had a bleed. Red when I wiped and a little in my underwear. Then nothing until this morning. Now I have what I would consider "period bleeding"

I know a loss is a loss but for my file what do I class this as? CP as I only knew for 5 hours (although 36 hours until proper bleed). Or miscarriage? I would have been 5w 1d - I am using OPK's so know this is right.

I knew something was wrong as I would have expected a 2-3 on digi and of course it took 6 days for bfp to even show up.

Sorry I know I sound so matter of a fact - I've spent most of my son's first Birthday [yesterday] in a complete mess.

I hate my fucking body.

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I think my love (but dont quote me) a chemical pregnancy is when you get a faint bfp before af then af arrives pretty much on time or one or two days out.
So I guess you've had an early m/c?
I'm really angry for you. Youve been through enough and you don't deserve this at all!!!!
Love and hugs xxx
I'm with Simone on this one hon, I'd be classing it as an early mc :hugs:

Sorry babes and how crappy that you had this hanging over you on James's birthday.

Sending lots of love and hugs sweets.

I didn't get a Bfp with my last loss till 15 dpo I had tested 12 dpo was negative then I tested daily and the test just got fainter over 4 days then negative and I started to bleed I classed that as a very early mc I hate the word chemical, sorry ur going through this carnat xx
I'm with jojo, I hate the word chemical; I'd class this as an early miscarriage :hugs: hope you're ok xxx
Thanks ladies,

I'm OK... I am still a bit in limbo again I had a little bleed earlier (when I posted) then nothing again.

I just want to know one way, I hate not knowing. I was in limbo with my first loss for almost three weeks.

I don't want to take an appointment at the EPU as I know this early there is nothing they can do and other people are in more need, maybe I can see if my GP can do some bloods???

So angry that I have had all this to deal with on James' day

Maybe ask the doctor for some hcg level tests? It'll let you know for sure what your levels are doing xx
I'd def ask your GP to do some bloods just to help you with the limbo, this is what used to drive me crackers. So sorry Nat. Don't get caught up on the classification stuff, its another loss however you look at it.
Are u still getting possitive tests carnat? Xx
Are u still getting possitive tests carnat? Xx

Very faint but that was only after about 90 minutes with no wee a little while ago.

Still no proper bleed.

Guess all I can do over the weekend is test FMU and see how faint the tests are?

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I'd go for you GP hun, I'd say early miscarriage :(
Oh bloody hell limbo land is such a shit place to be , try again in morning my test was completely negative wen my bleed started xx
Oh sorry Hun hope that you can get some answers from the doc xx
Hunny go to epu you at least need bloods doing to confirm either way, I bled for the first 14weeks with this baby. Keep us posted x
BFN with FMU so at least I'm heading in a direction (not a nice direction!!)


Still no real bleeding though, I think I'll ring the EPU on Monday and see what they say. How fucked up is it that I have about 3 numbers on my phone for that department???

So sorry nat :( life is really fucking cruel at times!!

I was in the same boat with my miscarriage, I got a bfp then that night the bleeding started, I know its no consolation but Im always glad it worked out that way, we didnt have a chance to get excited and dream about baby names etc before it was all snatched away xxxx
Oh believe me Claire I know I am lucky.

I have my James and I know that all roads led to him - it was worth every moment of heartache to have my son.

I know that some women lose babies towards the end, or even after birth. I know some ladies have loss after loss and are still waiting for their sticky bean so I don't mean to come across as insensitive.

Before James I knew I wanted a baby and now I have him I know how precious a gift it is....

I always had a slight worry about ttc number 2 and in the back of my mind I always wondered if we'd have the same problem?

We've decided to hold off having another baby. We have a holiday next June and I am back to work in 6 weeks. We are just going to enjoy each other for the time being.

Oh hon :hugs:

Enjoy each other and James and of course you're blessed to have him, but that doesn't in any way discount what's happened or make it ok.

You're allowed to be pissed off and upset babes, you've been through a lot to get here.


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