Panic attacks and anxiety
Feeling physically ill and having physical symptoms that are
unusual for you such as chest pains, breathing problems,
headaches, dizziness, many minor illnesses and stomach upsets.
Worrying constantly about the health of yourself your baby, other
children or family and friends
Obsessive thoughts or repetitive, chanting thoughts or voices
Thoughts that you will harm your child or another member of
your family either accidentally or deliberately.
Fear or thoughts that you may sexually or physically abuse either
your newest baby or your other children
Many women with PNI describe a feeling of having 'fuggy' vision
or a 'mussy' head.
Having worries that everyday objects such as knives, stairs, play
equipment, even your car or bus are dangerous and could harm
your child yourself or your family
Having 'what if' thoughts about what could happen if they did
Feelings that you are a 'bad' mother or a 'bad' person
Obsessions about either your own health, your child/rens or
partners - fears that you or they will die
A constant feeling of doom or dread - as if something really
horrible will happen any minute
Having a constant need to discuss and revisit the birth because it
was so horrible and you felt things to be out of control
Or not being able to think or talk about the birth
A feeling of great sadness and a feeling that since the baby, life is
not worth living and nothing gives you joy, not even your new
A feeling that if you just disappeared out of your families life
everything would be OK for them - that you causing your family
unhappiness by just being around
A feeling of numbness and lack of emotion - which also might
extend to a lack of feeling for your baby
Hiding how you feel and putting on a 'brave face'..
Actual self harm or feeling you would like to harm yourself that
you either never felt or did before or has come back.
Difficulty getting to sleep or waking up in a panic or feeling ill -
either in the night or early in the morning.
Feeling overwhelmingly tired all the time even when you do get
enough sleep
Drinking too much and/or abuse of recreational or prescription drugs