So anxious


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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I'm only 4+1 and I know it's normal at the best of times but I'm so anxious right now. I've had some more light spotting today and af type cramps for the last two days. This is making my mind race and my history isn't helping me reassuring myself. Just wanted to share, I hate not being in control like this.
Hi hun,

I didn't realise you'd had some spotting?

I can offer all the platitudes in the world and they wont make you feel any better hun.

Just hang in there and see what happens.

Maybe see if the GP will give you some blood tests to check your hCG is rising as it should? It's still too early for a scan.

I know that you have such a long way to go before you will truly be able to relax, it's so unfair that you have to suffer this worry in the early days!

Hiya, thanks for replying! Yeah the last few days had lots of cramping getting worse as the day goes on then very little in the morning and with it this peachy spotting. It seems to have settled down again today so I'm just hoping that's me done with bleeding.
I took your advice and made a gp appointment, the first one I could get is a week on Monday, but it's with my lovely GP so I know she'll understand.
I'm just finding it difficult to know if I should be concerned or if my worry is an overreaction given the past. Either way hopefully bloods will be a bit more reassurance.
I feel like I should just hibernate in a big ball of cotton wool to keep me and beany safe :)
Thanks again x
Hi honey,
I have just found out I'm pregnant and have had 2 previous mc which was awful.
I understand your anxiety and the most important thing is that you get your levels checked and you see your gp.
Please let us know how you got on with your dr. Thinking of you. Xxxxx
Hi selina, congratulations! I'm due to see the gp on Monday and will ask for bloods then. I did phone epu on Wednesday and they've booked me in for a scan on the 12th of June when I'll be 7+1. Hoping for the best!
Hi, congrats on your pregnancy. Spotting can be normal in the first trimester as I'm sure you know. I had three miscarriages and two chemicals in between my daughter and now. I'm 19w and I have now accepted that I will never stop worrying.
In the first tri, I did everything in stages, a scan at 8 weeks, one at 10 (actually two at ten because I was so convinced something had gone wrong that I paid for a private scan) One at 12+5 (private nuchal) one at 13+6, one at 16w and the anomaly scan at 19. That helped keep me more sane than I might have been otherwise.
Give your EPU a call if the sporting continues, explain how you feel and see if they will set up a treatment plan for you to help manage your anxiety levels, especially considering what you've been through. I even referred myself to a specialist hospital a lot further away and out of my NHS district and I can't tell you how much better the care has been.
Wishing you all the best xxx
At least you have a scan booked, hopefully that will be reassuring. Xxxxx
I'm in a similar boat and its just so hard. This is a time when we are supposed to be glowing with the joys of finding out that we are expecting and instead, we are worrying ourselves sick.

I had two MCs in 2013, one at 6 weeks and one at 12 weeks. They were the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. We took a break from trying after the second (for my sanity!) and started trying again in May. I got my BFP last week and haven't stopped stressing yet! I scrutinise every time I wipe (sorry TMI!!) and am just waiting for 'something' to go wrong.

I have an appt with my GP on Friday am and I think I am going to ask to be referred to EPU for an early scan. I didn't know you could contact them directly without being referred by a Dr or Midwife??

Lots of love and heath and happiness to you all xo
Hi kay, congratulations! It's such a worrying time isn't it! All epu's are different, some allow self referral, mine does. Sometimes you're at the mercy of the gp though. Fx for us both! X

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