Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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Hello again!!

Im feeling so poo at the moment. For the last couple of days Ive had what seems like bad PMS symtoms. Last night I couldn't stop crying and getting angry, then I got frustrated with how I was feeling because it really isn't me, then I became upset again. Im so excited about Bean arriving, I don't think it's because Im anxious, I really can't control it. I even made my OH cry last night because I was so horrible :( :oops:

Is this normal at this stage of pregnancy? Sorry to bother you all again.

Hey Jenny,

Yeah its normal even if its totally not our character. Damn hormones is all I can say.

Try pamper yourself and kee your chin up. Not much longer to go now!

V x
Hi Jenny!

I was more like this at the end of my pregnancy than during the first trimester, when we are all upposed to be so moody!!! :lol:
so yes, I would say, it's pretty normal!
just apologise to OH, I used to get mine quite annoyed as well, though he is a very understanding husband!
I offered mine flowers :lol: he loved it! Maybe you can try to surprise him with a nice gesture, something he won't expect :D

not too long now, anyway, take it as easy as you can, ...both of you!
mel xx
Yep second what everyone else says this is totally normal.

I get like it all to often the routine goes,

I start of in a bit of a mood, then I start blowing thingsout of proportion snapping at every thing hubby says, getting more and more angry and worked up, I know inside that I'm being totally stupid but I just can't control myself snapping and being nasty, then after all this I start getting really upset because I'm ruining time with my hubby and end up crying in his arms for the rest of the evening.

it happens to us all at some time or another, sometimes it's best to go with if you feel like having a good cry don't hold it in just let it all out, you'll feel better.

You can always come on here and have a vent, and if you need a chat I'm just a pm away.

hope you feel abit better soon

Thankyou everyone. I thought the moodiness was just supposed to be in the 1st trimester, but im def worse now! Ive apologised to my OH, im just worried that im ruining the last moments that we have left just being us two, but im feeling much better today. Who knows how I will feel tomorrow!lol! It's my OHs birthday tomorrow too, so I better be well behaved :roll:

Thanks again! I can't help feeling that Bean is going to arrive soon, so maybe im anxious too?

I wasn't too bad used to get upset quite a bit but not moody, but i have a friend that turned into an absolute looney and hated who she was and because of this wont have anymore.

Manda x
im not really moody but am spending a lot of time crying for no reason :cry: poor o/h is fed up of asking whats wrong and being told i dunno :( i cry all the time :( xxxxx
thats just hormones hun, explain to him and then he'll understand x
My new name is Jekyl and Hyde, poor Dh says that he doesn't know which one I am going to be :shock:

i must admit when i was pg with adele i was fine untill she was born and for 2 yrs all i done was cry!!! yes i had PND and am shitting myself sorry but im so scared of it happening this time to as i dont want adele seing me cry all the time :cry: im just trying to think positive at the moment and hopefully i will be fine this time *fingers crossed*
Sounds totally normal. Dont want to make you feel worse - but prepare yourself for after the birth - I have spent the majority of the last 3 weeks in tears and thinking I am a crap mum :cry: - everyone just telling me its the hormones

Does anyone know how long it takes for you to get back to normal?? (whatever 'normal' is!!!)

L x
Jenny honey, or should i say big bad Jenny!!! I think you are completely normal babe!!!

Our OH's should all go hide until the contractions start!!!! Feeling a but better now i've started maternity leave but am cross with OH as when he left this morning he said 'relax and take it easy' (he knows i cant sit still) so far i have doen ironing, food shopping for the month, walked two dogs, laundry AND made a roast dinner for OH who has invited family round tonight, LOL talk about taking it easy...... wait until he gets in from work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

Not long for us know, i've had a couple of false alarms one last night so hopefully the wait will soon be over... :shock:
LOL!!! I totally agree with you about OH's! That's what he says to me every morning as he leaves for work, "relax and rest", yeah right!lol! Ive had a horrible cold for the past few days and had to stay in bed, it's been agonising knowing the housework, ironing, cooking, shopping are all calling me............. I definitely sound like a mad woman now :lol:

We have less than 20 days to go hun!! Im still amazed how quickly it's all happened. Im too excited!!! Take care hun, and keep in touch, let me know if anything happens!

Love Jenny and Bean


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