So Annoyed!!


Jul 11, 2011
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I doubt this post is in the right place but my phone wont let me change which bit i post in! stupid thing! lol
just really wanted to have a little rant as feel quite down about not being able to conceive!!

my 'friend' has text me today telling me that she's pregnant after a one night stand that she had on holiday, she 'doesn't want any little brats' especially by someone that she can't remember the name of, let alone what he looks like!!
this has got to me really bad as having been trying for a while there is still no sign, yet she can have one stupid drunken night and fall pregnant just like that. it feels so unfair that theres so many people out there just like her that don't want kids, or don't deserve them that only have to so much as open there legs once and boom, they have 'a brat they don't really want'.
I would have though that her knowing my situation, and that I've been trying for a while she would have not told me they way she did or at least been a little more sensitive. she just expects me not to be bothered by what she's says as 'it's not me that's pregnant by someone you don't know'!! well maybe thats because I have a little more pride and don't open my legs for every bloke that buys me a drink!! so angry with her! am I just being OTT about this situation or do I have a right to be angry?? x
I think it is a normal reaction to be angry and sad about it. When it is all u want in the world and it's not happening for u and ur trying so hard, then when u find out about people getting pregnant so easily when they don't even want it ( I have 2 at work like this, one is due the day I would have been!)

Big hugs hunny, it will happen for u soon :hugs: xxx
I would say its totally natural to feel like this hun, how long have you been trying for? Some people can really be so insensitive about the whole situation. Think she should have possibly chosen another approach to tell you or maybe not have told you at all x
I personally can't ever forgive anyone who says at any point that they don't want their child, that they were a mistake(and a bad one) or they'd wish it had never happened.

I think of my little lad and how he was a 'mistake' and that when I first lost him I felt like he left me because no one loved him, His father had told me to get an abortion because he knew I'd never be able to afford on my own and he refused to admit paternity, and I as scared frankly. I wanted him but I was terrified.

When he left we I was broken and broke down on the phone to my Fiance. I told him everything (had only known him like a month too) and was in floods over my baby not even having a daddy and he just said 'well I could be, if you wanted me too'. Knew then and there I'd never love anyone like I love my boy and his daddy.

So I'm with you, whenever I hear someone talk like that over their baby I just think to my boy, his father said he never wanted him and wished he was gone and it happened. And, while I know most people aren't this disgusting, he goes around getting sympathy from girl in clubs over mine and my fiance's baby. The one he didn't want.

XXXXXXX We'll over-react together hun xxxxxx
This may sound bad but I am actually hoping she's picked up a nasty little itch or something as well as her "brat". It would serve her right in my opinion.
I don't think you need friends like this sweetheart, anyone that insensitive doesn't deserve to have a friend like you.
It will happen for you soon and at least you'll know that your baby was made with love and will have a mummy who has more self respect and doesn't have to get a fella drunk to shag her xxxxxxxxxx

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