
We got some.... :)

Cool pic AmberNicole.
I love watching it snow. Apparantly it's due to snow tonight where I am but I bet it misses us, it always does. I want to build a snowman! :lol:

Thats what it looks like here Amber its lovely!! woohoooo i love snow!!! its like a christmas scene out the front with loadsa children outside playing in it!!! i feel all christmassy now!!! lol
petchy said:
snow tankett??? not in market harborough... maybe as we drive into leicester we'll get some! :D i like snow!!!

Sorry Petchy, I meant that there was snow forcast on the website. But we didn't get any :( Very disappointed. And now, just as the sun is going down, there's not a cloud in the sky so it doesn't look like we'll get any. Reading everyone else's posts, everywhere is gettinfg some except Leicester!!!!
we are tight on the south coast so hardly ever get snow - here's hoping though!!
didnt get anymore snow in the end, even tho it said on the weather we was going to.

its been sunny most of the day give or take a few grey clouds so most of the snow has gone or turnt to mush now :(
hello Layla

I wish wede get snow were lucky if we have it two days in the winter its mostly rain here lol, you have to drive a few hours away from here to see it , or go to the mountains.
It's snowing in Leicester now!!! We missed it all last week, but got some now. Not really proper snow as the ground is a bit too wet to stick, but I've just unpacked some boxes from the car and my black top looked like I'd got bad dandruff!!!!
Now everywhere is white and we have really big flakes!! I want to go home and put my Christmas tree up!!!
aww i want it to snow again here now lol im so greedy!

Well Friday i said it never snows here and of course, it made me a liar it snowed last night, but mostly gone now, but thursday till sunday its suppost to snow. Its so wierd cuz we hardly ever see snow and definetly not in NOvember, usually late Dec and Jan lol,
I love the snow but cant go sledding or anything os it kinda sucks this year and i always slip in it, so ive got to be careful nopt ot fall lol.
Well i guess we all get snow this year!!!!

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