Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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I just wondered if anyone else has recently quit the horrible habit or is trying to!!!
im finding it soooooooo hard! i feel so bad because its not just me its affecting its my baby which is the most important!!!

i go 4 or 5 days without a cig then it gets to hard and i give in and have one :(

me and oh are doing it together which makes it easier in some ways but harder in others we both get really ratty and argue :(

anyone else struggling? feel like a bad mum already!!!
NICCI said:
I just wondered if anyone else has recently quit the horrible habit or is trying to!!!
im finding it soooooooo hard! i feel so bad because its not just me its affecting its my baby which is the most important!!!

i go 4 or 5 days without a cig then it gets to hard and i give in and have one :(

me and oh are doing it together which makes it easier in some ways but harder in others we both get really ratty and argue :(

anyone else struggling? feel like a bad mum already!!!

I quit before I was pregnant so I know how hard it is, In fact the other day I was fantasising about having a glass of wine with a cigarette. good on you for trying and making the effort , of course not smoking is better than actually smoking but your not on a however many a day habit. try not to feel too guilty hun.
it is hard, but so worth doing.....keep trying and tell yourself you control it. i quit 29 weeks ago and my hubby has quit 8 weeks ago. you really have nothing to lose, you have more money, better health a nicer smelling home and car and its better for your baby and any other children you have....keep going , dont give up :cheer: :hug:
If you're going for 4 or 5 days without one then it's a case of will power. I would have thought by then your body would have got over the worst bit of the craving.

I quit in Dec but had cut down to 1 or 2 a day before as I was going through fertility treatment then when I got BFP I quit. I felt to guilty to smoke anyway.

I know it's not easy quitting and I still think about fags everyday even after 7 months but I just tell myself that I can't have one so there is no point thinking about it. It's all in the mind.
im just gonna keep tryin it is all in the mind!!!!


thats the way to think nicci, im sure you can do it x
Good luck with your quitting, I quite the month before I got pregnant although I did have two sneaky cigs just before I realised I was actually pregnant! It is very hard to do but just remember it is so much better for your LO :D
GOOD LUCK HUNNI :hug: :hug:

you can do it :D i was the worlds biggest fag hag and managed to quit when i was 6wks preggo and im still a non smoker and its so cool! everytime you have that craving just think for every cigarette you smoke, the oxygen supplied to your baby is disrupted for 15 seconds and your baby experiences reduced blood flow for 15 minutes. That was enough to scare me into stopping.

Aww, I know how hard it is. I quit 2 days after I found out I was pregnant (had a couple of cigs after I found out I was preg - shock, then had 2 the day after and felt soooooooo guilty and decided then and there to stop completely) and haven't looked back since. I still crave but I agree with Tillytots - being a non smoker is cool! :dance:

C xxx
Okay, I'm a bloke but still decided to give up when we found out we were pregnant. I was a 30 a day smoker, had been smoking for 15 years.

I tried everything, Alan Carr's easyway, patches, cold turkey, nothing worked. It made me so depressed because I'd always convinced myself that I could give up if I wanted.

In the end I found something that helped me, a book and CD by Paul McKenna called "Quit Smoking".

I couldn't be bothered to read the book, just listened to the CD on my iPod. I listened to it and bingo, I stopped needing a cigarette. I think you really need to want to stop and it gives you that extra boost. Maybe you could give it a go. The other site that really helped was

Good luck and hope you manage to stop completely!
It is hard to give up a habit you have had for so long but you just need to have the faith in yourself and what better reason then for your babby?

Also tally up the money you would of spent on a pack or so of fags and buy something nice for the baby, or to pamper yourself!!


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