

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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How many of you smoke? ..I know this has proberbly been posted loads of times but i forgot :lol: Im really tempted to start smoking again.. Feel abit stressed atm :( But its a distcusting habbit and im scared ill find it hard to give up again.
dont start!!!
i know how hard it is
i gave up during pregnancy and haven't touched one since which im very proud of as i thought i'd be smoking way before now.
but i havent missed it...... in fact now i wonder how i had the time to smoke! lol
plus you're TTC... there's more chance of you concieving when you don't smoke :wink: :wink:
Thats one of the reasons why i gave up smoking in first place cause im TTC.. I do admit i havent given up all together.. well i did at first but now i have one now and again.. Sept at the weekend i have quite a few :oops: And when i completly gave up i didnt miss it and i turned totally anti smokin and got my OH to give up aswel :lol:
think it needs to be all or nothing- im not sure as i dont smoke and altho i have done i was never a proper smoker (never bought own cigs and didnt "need" them and they had no effect on my mood)

but it seems the only successful smoking-quitters are the ones who DONT have the occasional one and whose partners DONT smoke either. occasional ones will only keep ur addiction alive hun- i imagine its a bit like coke? as in its easier to say no completely than to say "oh, just a little one!" coz its never just a little one is it. that little bit makes ur willpower crumble!

try to stay off them totally, good luck i can only imagine how hard it must be :hug: :hug: :hug:
I did something bad when i were out.. My friend bought some fags and i had 3/4 :cry: With AF starting i just ad to have some but i dont think it is AF that is starting anymore :? So that is it nomore EVER!!
What you said trixipaws is so true!! Im alway like oh ill just have 1 it wont do no harm but it does! :)
I gave up smoking when pregnant with hannah, but started again last summer - basicly because i was stressed. (i smoked outside the house) when i was pregnant again smoking made me feel sooo sick i didnt even need to give up. I couldnt stand it - and actually still cant. I rarely go round to my mums cos the house smells of smoke and it makes me sickly.

saying all that. Sinse giving birth ive had 3 cigs. But all of them have been when ive been rotten drunk. (um, been drunk twice and both times i wasnt home, or with the kids obviously.. lol)
That dosent bother me. If i can stay like that then im happy. The thoyght of smoking sobar makes me feel ill for some reason now. (my oh dosent smoke)
I'm the same as rachelandjarvis..I used to smoke before I fell pregnant and during pregnancy the thought of smoking made me feel ill and still does. I try to smoke when I'm drunk but I still find it gross :puke: Thank god, I really don't want to start again and would really regret it if I did.
try not to start again hun, it's gross :puke: anyway it will not help at all with you TTC, and when you're pg and then with a baby you don't want to be doing it anyway, so there's not much point in doing it in the first place! Sorry, I admit I don't know what it's like as I've never smoked. Can you find something else to do when you're stressed? Like go for a walk, phone a friend, watch a movie? Good luck!

i agree youve done so well do not start again its will ebnefit your health in teh long run .
I hate smoking so much i get headaches when im around it :puke:
OMG I can't wait until I give birth!!!! I'm so going to take up smoking again, i miss it!!!! i gave up the second I got my BFP and mostly found it easy to not smoke whilst beung pregnant, but over the last 2 months I've been craving like never before and have cracked once or twice :oops:

But my god, when i get out of hospital i'm gonna have a ciggie in one hand and a pint of gin in the other!!!

Sorry, really not much help there

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