When I found out I was pregnant I gave up smoking straight away (well I had one after I found out) and had no problems giving up and didn't crave a cig during pregnancy at all.
Now I've had Kieran I really want a cig
I've not had one because of breastfeeding but I've been really tempted and have been craving one alot 
I really don't want to start smoking again
I thought I'd be ok after Kieran was born because I'd not wanted one at all during pregnancy and didn't even think about it so I had just assumed I would still feel like that after I'd given birth
Anyone else go back to smoking after pregnancy? If not, did you crave one after you had your baby and what did you do to stop yourself having one?
The only reasons I haven't had one is because of BFing and that Kieran comes into my bed and you aren't supposed to sleep with them if you smoke and that it increases babies risk of SIDS.
Im not going to start again, I have gone this long and because of the reasons above but I can't help craving one

Now I've had Kieran I really want a cig

I really don't want to start smoking again

Anyone else go back to smoking after pregnancy? If not, did you crave one after you had your baby and what did you do to stop yourself having one?
The only reasons I haven't had one is because of BFing and that Kieran comes into my bed and you aren't supposed to sleep with them if you smoke and that it increases babies risk of SIDS.
Im not going to start again, I have gone this long and because of the reasons above but I can't help craving one