
I am still smoke free!!! LC and Hannahbet I actually feel quite jealous that you smoke/have smoked how stupid am I!!!!
well done M!

I had a few drinks a few weeks back and strugled but had the will powe to stay smoke free.

Luckily for me, I only fancy when I have had a glass of wine or two.

I think you are doing great :hug:
well done Kirls, its definitely the drink that makes it worse!!! I also associate coffee with smoking so I am avoiding that as well!
Well Done M, also another thing I used to do is try to fool the craving, so if you usually smoke whilst watching the TV, when you get a craving read a page of your book/ a magazine, if you usually crave when you have finished eating, have a glass of water - that kind of thing.

Very proud of you for staying away from the ciggies :D
Emmylou said:
Well Done M, also another thing I used to do is try to fool the craving, so if you usually smoke whilst watching the TV, when you get a craving read a page of your book/ a magazine, if you usually crave when you have finished eating, have a glass of water - that kind of thing.

Very proud of you for staying away from the ciggies :D
:hug: :hug: :hug:
well.... I had one!! I can honestly say :puke: it was vile! I had to have a bath and hair wash after because I stank, I sat outside and it tasted disgusting and made me feel sick! I can't believe it! I am glad I had one though because now I can stop obsessing about it! I know I will probably have another one when I am out drinking because thats what brings on the urge to have one, but at least I know now that I didn't enjoy it!!

So, in short, I caved but it was for the best!! :cheer:
When I first quit I remember sparking up taking 2 drags and feeling like sh*te, and I do remember the taste being vile :puke: (still remember it being vile to this very day, and its kept me smoke free for over 2 years *puffs out chest*)

Hold onto that memory though chickie, as you will want one again, when I first started smoking I thought it was vile, it was only through 'perseverance' I started smoking properly, so you'll need to remember how vile it tasted to put you off the next craving.

Hope you stay smoke free :hug: :hug: :hug:

And look on the bright side - you're all nice and clean for bedtime! Just had a nice bath myself :D
The Allen Carr book is really good. I read it 2 years ago and it made me quit. :cheer: It doesnt get rid of the cravings but it sort of changes the way you view smoking so that you can never truly enjoy it again. Well worth a try. :D
I read that a few years ago and I quit and then started again, but I did quit for two months so really did quite well, I avoided the pub though and I had my first one on a night out!!

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