smoking while pregnant *may cause some bad reactions*

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Hi Skiddo

I know how you feel about the whole business of schools not correcting children incase it "damages them in some way". it is ridiculous. Surely it is better to correct them when they are young. it is easier to learn things at an young age. when i check my 10 year olds homework, you can be sure that i put circles around all his mistakes and tell him to redo the work.

Another example is my hubby had to have his arm plastered and was offered an array of different coloured plastercasts, when he said he would just have the ordinary white one he was told "no it is neutral."

I know it is a change of subject but it was just what you were saying about your daughters school.

take care
Ha ha ha - he can't have white because that would be racist??? That's just too much!!
the so! called dirty loooks me and first.time.daddy were giving... were aimed at the pregnant woman smoking beneath a NO SMOKING SIGN! whilst they are in the middle of their inductions... we were allowed to go out for FRESH AIR??? well where can i get fresh air when every other mum to be seems to be lighting up fags outside the front doors.. i did not appreciate it. this is what the thread started as... please dont twist it to make us sound like were slagging every smoker off.. as u know i was a smoker (with an extremely troubled background) and gave up! i know its hard!

ok my point is made and i will leave it at that. :lol: just people saying they are trying to give up sounds better then some one bragging about the fact they smoke (and smoke "other" stuff) just coz of the stress they suffer.
I totally agree with you Davina.

It's quite shocking how the education sysyems around the world have become (Believe it or not, even Switzerland). I am now 30 years old and it's changed beyond belief since I was a child.

I will correct my child aslo, when they are young is the most crutial time. Keep it up, if the teacher won't do it, you go right ahead MUM!! tee hee

I am a teacher and I can't believe how things have become in the system. I might just start my own school - I mean it!!!

Take care girls and know there ared people who are here to support.

PS. Re: topic of smoking- somethings are better left unsaid, or keep the thoughts at home where they will not offend others (this is the internet you know, people from all sorts of back grounds come on here).

Maybe this should be closed now! So that others don't get offended!!

Have a great day girls and I hope youre all feeling good through your pregnancy so far... :lol:
paradysso - I said
Another issue is whether or not anyone has the right to smoke around your baby. To which the answer is 'of course not'!
- you could take that to include smoking around pregnant women. Just because someone has an addiction doesn't mean they have a right to inflict it on others. Well done to you for quitting - have some sympathy for those who do not feel able to.

I agree that enough has probably been said on this and will try to resist responding to any further posts!
first.time.daddy, I have deleted your last comment. Looks like I was completely wrong in thinking there was any possibility of this topic being discussed in a mature manner, after my intervention a few days ago.

This topic is now locked.

Laura B
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