It does take some courage to stop smoking!!!!! How many times did I tell myself "after this packet, it is over".... hmmm for a couple of days!!!!
This time, it was different!!! I know it does sound bad but I did not stop for me but for the baby, otherwise I will still be a smoker.
I smoked during the first term of my pregnancy, having problems with b/f( did not know if I was keeping the baby or not, having him adopted or not, I was in a right state but will not go into details...), money problems, housing problems etc... and yes smoking helped me to relax a bit, well I thought so...
Once I knew I wanted to keep this baby and got my head back to a bit of normality (hormones were just rushing in), I decided to call the support group(mine was called Resolution but you can have Green leaf...) of my area and she was great!!!! Not only I talked about my cravings but about my problems at home a bit and she did help me a lot.
Thanks to her help, i managed to quit the smoking and as I said before my b/f smokes a lot, our relationship is better but my financial problems are worse than before, housing is the same and my job is stressful too!!!! But I am not more stressed than if I was smoking, not at all!!!
The addiction of the nicotine makes you believe that without it, you cannot manage and this is FALSE!!!! When I argued with my b/f, my first reaction was to reach for a fag to calm me down. But I forced myself not to and now I can handle a stressful situation better than before because I do not have to reach or look for one!!!!
Addiction to nicotine is stronger than heroine addiction so people should understand that it is not an easy thing to do. I think the thing that will make people stop smoking is when they have decided their time is right and have a bit more confidence in themselves.Those people should not be judged but supported because I KNOW it is not easy, still craving for one from time to time. I talked to my b/f about this and I hope he is going to support me keeping up the good work I made and not offering me fags once the baby is born!!!!
Sorry for the long post, I did write a post a few weeks ago on the topic to get some support, people, feel free to use it to support each other, this is much stronger than the nicotine replacement and bear in mind that even stopping smoking a few weeks before birth is still better than not stopping at all