Smear Test..

ha ha must just be me, but that website is brill! Really informative and helped me know what I was rooting around for lol

Anyway, can i ask a question about smear tests? I've just had my reminder letter in (urggghhh) and wanted to know if you can have a smear test in your 2WW? Is it okay to have one or should I wait until after my period?
Yeah i think i might have a really good read of the website as i think i might understand my body a lot better if i do have a root around in there. I have very defined CM some days so im going to jotting it down.

I'm not to sure about having a smear in your 2ww. Sorry.

that's okay, just thought I would hijack your thread seeing as it was about smear tests lol

Glad you are enjoying the book! i might think about buying it a few cycles down the line, but not right now.

Good luck xx
HiJack all you want. It's ver addictive. I'm half way through nearly already.

wahaha I will be temping next cycle I just ordered my filofax and bbt chart a new pen and a thermo :D

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