small sac at 6 weeks


New Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I had a scan today. My dates make me 6w6d, but scan makes me 6w1d. Saw the baby and heartbeat.

There are a couple of worrying things

They couldn't find the yolk, she said it's worrying as it's what feeds the baby until the placenta takes over at 12 weeks. Surely it's there otherwise what is feeding my baby?? Without it it wouldn't have grown to 6w1d?

Also the sac is very small. It is only slightly bigger than the baby. She basically told me to expect a mc. I am being rescanned in 2 weeks if i haven't mc.

Has anyone had a small sac but not miscarried?
Oh Hun I'm sorry that's awful to stress you out like that, fx she's wrong. Xxx
Oh hun, how awful. I pray she is wrong and there is a growing baby waving back at you in 2 weeks time. xx
How stressful for you? I'm sure your LO is a fighter and will hang on in there if it can.
My fingers are x for you Hun. Hope you are ok.x
grr they really are pessimistic at epu. I had am early scan and there was just a sac and no baby at 6 weeks. He didnt saw to expect to miscarr but was like well we should be seeing more your only measuring 5 weeks. I had my 12 week scan tuesday and there was a baby measuring the correct dates. Yolk sac could be behind baby or anything. I know they should prepare you but they are not always right. Babys grow at different speeds
The dates can be approximate, but no yolk sack does mean things are wrong unfortunately. BUT she could have missed it on the scan, hoping for a positive outcome for you

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