Small question about the urge to push

When I was 4\5 I got the urge to push but was told to hold as I wasn't ready. When your actually ready to push your body totally takes over and you won't be able to fight the urge.
I got the urge to push at 9cm and the MW said it was okay to push.

Interestingly a big deal is made about not pushing before you are 'ready' but there is acctually little evidence to say you shouldn't. Generally you don't get the urge to push before it is the right time to. Pushing before you are fully dilated rarely causes problems. In a very few cases taking a break from pushing can help if the cervix is too swollen but again there is little evidence that a swollen cervix actually does harm in most cases.
With henry it was pretty awful as I did not get any urge to push at 10cm but increasing back ache almost like I broke my back. I had to be told to push with henry.

with Annabel although she was still born my labour was timely at 6 hours established and When it came to being 10cm and feeling the need to push, I remember my mum saying to me, just popping to the loo for a wee (which was in my room) and then the minute she pulled the door to, babies head land right at the crown of my cervix and I had NO control over my body naturally pushing baby out as apposed to pushing her out x
I had the urge to push at 10cm. For me it was the worst part of labour I am scared thinking that I will be doing it again in about a week. I could handle the contractions but the pushing was awful. I hear most find the pushing almost relaxing compared to contractions, is that true?
I had the urge to push at 10cm. For me it was the worst part of labour I am scared thinking that I will be doing it again in about a week. I could handle the contractions but the pushing was awful. I hear most find the pushing almost relaxing compared to contractions, is that true?

I panicked during the pushing stage as the feeling of not being in control was overwhelming. I remember telling them over and over to 'just get it out' lol. It didnt last very long for me though, the pushing stage was quite quick :)
I didn't feel the urge at all until I was told to push, then after that I felt it myself once I got going
I had the urge to push at 10cm. For me it was the worst part of labour I am scared thinking that I will be doing it again in about a week. I could handle the contractions but the pushing was awful. I hear most find the pushing almost relaxing compared to contractions, is that true?

I loved pushing. It was a very powerful feeling. It was such a powerful feeling that the rush of it took away from the pain. I had also had awful pain and pressure in the bottom of my back during contractions it moved lower through labour and got stronger until it was constant. I assume it was from the baby's head putting pressure on it. At about the time pushing started that pain stopped which was a huge relief. I was also relieved to have reached the pushing stage because I had a long labour and the MW was beggining to get worried. At the beggining of pushing I was quite relaxed and even asked OH to send a text to our parents to say I had started pushing. As it got going I found it physically very hard work and had to concentrate really hard.

Although pushing was my favourite part my MW (who has 3 children) admitted she had hated pushing and it didn't feel at all natural to her so I think its different for everyone.
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I had the urge to push introsm. For me it was the worst part of labour I am scared thinking that I will be doing it again in about a week. I could handle the contractions but the pushing was awful. I hear most find the pushing almost relaxing compared to contractions, is that true?

I panicked during the pushing stage as the feeling of not being in control was overwhelming. I remember telling them over and over to 'just get it out' lol. It didnt last very long for me though, the pushing stage was quite quick :)

I think thats what it was for me too. Just feeliing like you had no control over your body. Although I did it very quick for first time labour 37mins so hopefully this time will be even quicker! :-)
I had the urge to push at 10cm. For me it was the worst part of labour I am scared thinking that I will be doing it again in about a week. I could handle the contractions but the pushing was awful. I hear most find the pushing almost relaxing compared to contractions, is that true?

Have to admit I loved the pushing stage, found it very empowering and liberating.

Looking forward to that part. Hated early labour at home but everything from 7cm to delivery was amazing.

Also I didn't have any pushing urges until I was full dilated and I was pushing for 2 hours before I delivered baby. A combination of "assisted pushing" (MW telling when to push) and natural pushing - they just let me go with my body.

I didn't have an EPI or anything but I was dead with exhaustion so my pushing wasn't up to much at some points hence the assisted pushing!

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I was the same as above - back to back and when I started pushing after doing so because the midwife told me too I might as well of being pushing into thin air as it made no difference. I too had the drip abd ended up with assisted delivery
I was the same as above - back to back and when I started pushing after doing so because the midwife told me too I might as well of being pushing into thin air as it made no difference. I too had the drip abd ended up with assisted delivery

Out of interest did you have an epidural? I know that can sometimes make pushing difficult.
I was the same as above - back to back and when I started pushing after doing so because the midwife told me too I might as well of being pushing into thin air as it made no difference. I too had the drip abd ended up with assisted delivery

Out of interest did you have an epidural? I know that can sometimes make pushing difficult.

Yes I did as I was so exhausted, Long story but I'd had no sleep for 4 nights at that point.
I was the same as above - back to back and when I started pushing after doing so because the midwife told me too I might as well of being pushing into thin air as it made no difference. I too had the drip abd ended up with assisted delivery

Out of interest did you have an epidural? I know that can sometimes make pushing difficult.

Yes I did as I was so exhausted, Long story but I'd had no sleep for 4 nights at that point.

After 4 nights with no sleep I can totally understand. I had a home birth with no pain relief and honestly although it was painful I coped fine with the pain. After my second night in labour though I remember thinking how I could totally understand the apeal of an epidural not really because of the pain but I was so exausted, all I wanted was to sleep! Thankfully I did manage a couple of small naps between contractions and that helped a lot for me to carry on but I'm not sure I could have done another night.
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I was the same as above - back to back and when I started pushing after doing so because the midwife told me too I might as well of being pushing into thin air as it made no difference. I too had the drip abd ended up with assisted delivery

Out of interest did you have an epidural? I know that can sometimes make pushing difficult.

Yes I did as I was so exhausted, Long story but I'd had no sleep for 4 nights at that point.

After 4 nights with no sleep I can totally understand. I had a home birth with no pain relief and honestly although it was painful I coped fine with the pain. After my second night in labour though I remember thinking how I could totally understand the apeal of an epidural not really because of the pain but I was so exausted, all I wanted was to sleep! Thankfully I did manage a couple of small naps between contractions and that helped a lot for me to carry on but I'm not sure I could have done another night.

The night I had him was the fifth night without sleep and I only managed 2 hrs after I got up on the ward. It took me 2 weeks to feel like normal again just from the pure tiredness. I have very little memory of the birth due to the drugs and tiredness.
Of course LO was up half the night on her first night wanting to be held. I was really afraid of sitting down because I might fall asleap and drop her. Second night she just wanted to feed. I was so tired I eventually gave her to OH. He walked up and down with her screaming right next to me and I slept like a log. I've never been tired enough to be afraid of dropping her or to sleep through her crying since. And that was only after two nights without sleep.
Ideally - yes, but I think you should always ask you mw if you can start pushing x

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