Small for dates


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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As the title says really I'm measuring small for dates. I had my routine appointment with the consultant last Thursday (I have pre-existing high BP) who measured me at 30cm when I was 34wks. So she sent me for a scan which showed the baby is only on the 10th centile on my chart. I was a bit silly cos I didnt ask any questions at the time; I had my son with me and having been in the waiting room for several hours already I wanted to get him home! Anyway they booked me in to have a doppler scan which looks at the effciency of the placenta tomorrow and another growth scan next week. I didnt have any explanation as to why the baby is so small just told if I'm worried about movements etc to go back sooner! Now I've been looking on the net and in books and realise that if things havent improved then they are likely to deliver early and that there are many reasons why this might be happening; one of which is my BP so I'm hoping its as simple as that and nothing more serious. However somewhere I read that slow growth like this is the third bigest reason for still births! I'm obviously more than a bit scared now and constantly thinking about how much she is moving. She was very active but seems to be quiet in the last few days; prob cos I'm looking for it all the time! She was rolling from side to side and could've been described as very active, now she moves occasionally but not the big movements like before. I'm probably being paranoid! Does anyone have any experience of this or any other advice?
They thought my daughter hadn't grown in my last pregnancy, told me she hadn't on the ultrasound. When they done the doppler, which is a more hi-tech scan she was above average and the blood flow was perfect :)

The doppler scan itself can take a good wee while as they will want to check the blood flow back and forth to the placenta and make sure the blood flow is going the right way. this is a way of checking is the placenta working and coping with the pregnancy.

They will know straight away if there seems to be any problem and in extreme cases would make the decision to bring baby out earlier if needs be.

Try not to worry until the scan tomorrow, I know easier said than done though :hug:

Welcome to the Forum :)
Oh this all sounds very worrying for you, and if you've googled you'll be beside yourself! Its scares me to death sometimes.

I havent a lot of experince as Im pregnant with my first but I myself was small for dates and 'low birth wieght' when I was born, they put me in SCBU can I was so small but after 2 days they realised there is nothing wrong with me and my parents took me home. Ive been fine. Didnt have any health problems.

I think they failed to notice that my mum is under 5ft tall herself, and Im only 5 ft 1, Im just a small person!

Hope other people will be able to come on here and reassure you xxx
Thanx for the replies ladies, I have used my doppler at home to check the HB and sounds ok although she still isnt moving like before. I will keep a check on it this evening, my partner is the accountant for the maternity ward at the hospital so if I need to be seen he can pull a few strings so at least I have that. I will let you know how it goes at the doppler scan. x
:hug: I'm measuring small too but my MW just keeps dismissing me when I ask for a growth scan. I hope all is okay for you xx

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