Slow rising HCG (low), anyone? Sooo scared


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Oct 19, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I am 7+5 weeks pregnant. I had an early scan last week (monday) and my gynecologist said at that point it should be seen something more (we only saw gestational sac).. he didn´t want to talk about what he saw, he just sent me for blood tests (Hcg) and didn´t want to comment anything before he gets those results. He just said it could mean: misscariage, ecopic, or it could be ok. But he was extremely pessimistic. I was worried sick so I went for a second opinion after two days (wednesday). The doctor there showed me my gestational sac and said, that it didn´t look like ectopic pregnancy and that it is to soon to see something more. He said that I am pregnant no more than 5+ weeks. I also got my blood results, that are making me freaking out even more. My HCG rised in 72 Hours only from 1223 to 1794. The next scan will be tomorrow. I cannot sleep, I cannot eat, I am totaly confused because of those two different oppinions, especially now, when I got my blood results back.

Do you think that there is any chance for me? For a normal pregnancy? Someone experienced something similar?? I have occasionaly cramps, back pain, but otherwise no bleeding.. :shock::shock:
Don't want to read and run I've lost 4 but none were similar to how your describing. I hope your just earlier than you hhink and all goes well x x x
Hi Barb so sorry you're going through this. I've never had my HCG measured in either healthy pregnancies or MC so can't advise but keeping everything crossed for you xx
Thank you so much for your kind words dear ams25 and Eryinera.. I know that HCG should double in 48-72 hours :shock:.. I´ll try to stay positive.. all the best to you too xx
I have feakishly high hcg with both my son and this pregnancy. A lot higher than "normal" but I'be also been off work since about 6 weeks with sickness. So whilst I know some of my hcg levels they are so out there they wouldn't be if any comfort to you or anyone with normal hcg. X x x wishing you all the best
I've only had my hcg measured in one of my pregnancies as I was spotting. It didn't double although was going up. Unfortunately that pregnancy did end in a loss.

Fingers crossed for your scan tomorrow hun. Really hope it's good news for you.

I only had 48hr bloods done with one of mine I think but that doubled as normal and ended in a loss. So I dont ask about hcg anymore I sometimes get told but that's another issue! I wish you the best of luck tomorrow hun x x x
I have never had bloods done either so can't give personal experience. From reading similar posts on here I would say that the way your hcg is rising in all honesty doesn't look good BUT there is still some hope. Although it is often a bad sign a few pregnancies with low rising hcg turn out fine. As for the scan. It doesn't mean a lot. It could be that the baby isn't growing well but it could just as easily be that you were not as far along as you thought in which case it was totally normal not to see a lot.
Are you definitely 7+5 or is that based on last period? In my first pregnancy they put me back 2 weeks at my first scan but it was just because I'd clearly ovulated later than is typical. It was a bit of a slow start by everything was fine? These first few weeks are so hard before you can see much ok scans etc. Good luck
when i had my first scan they put me back by 2 weeks also i ovulated later than usual.

i have never ha bloods but i have had 2 scans so far they put me at 6/7 weeks last thursday but by my date i should be 9 weeks i have another scan on the 31st.

the first scan all they could see was the sac, did you have an internal scan?? the second scan i saw the heartbeat and that was also an internal scan
I've had an ectopic and a miscarriage this year both of which were slow rising hcg levels and not doubling. With the miscarriage, all that was ever seen was the sac with no progression. The hospital too thought I might have ovulated later than expected and therefore not as far along as i thought I was but that never ended up being the case. Sorry my stories aren't happy endings, I hope that yours is, I have my fingers crossed for you. X x
7+5 is based on my last period and I had an internal scan. My biggest fear are slow rising hcg levels.. It is a big chance, that I ovulated late, but my blood results are realy bad. Thank you all for your kind words, personal experiences..I am trying to prepare mayself for the worst tomorrow, but I am still so scared and this baby was really wanted...
I completely understand how you're feeling, the waiting is torture! Hang in there! X x
I really hope you get good news. If its not, its a small comfort but at least you will have an answer. Limbo is horrid. Huge hugs
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hope you get good results I don't know much about hcg levels but I had a scan at what I thought was 6 weeks and all they saw was a sav and measuring about 5 weeks went back 10 days later and saw a bean measuring 7 weeks but still had to have an internal as I have a tilted womb so couldn't see on the abdominal. hope you get some answers soon
Update: my HCG levels did rise to 3600. But the next levels not anymore. They sent me home, saying to be ready to miscarriage soon. I am desperate, totally scared waiting to happen..
So sorry to hear that. Did you have a scan too?

It is quite likely that it will take a bit for the MC to happen if your levels are still rising. As the baby didnt grow much hopefully it wont be too bad physically but it is always crushing emotionally to have to deal with a MC. Hugs.
I'm so so sorry lovely :( I hope you have people around to look after you? Make sure you have lots of cuddles with your partner and take it easy the next few days and weeks. I had a MC at 8 weeks but they thought baby hadn't developed much past 5 weeks and it wasn't too bad physically at that stage, just like a period really. Obviously the emotional side of things is a lot more difficult. Sending you lots of love xxx

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