Slow rising hCG levels - UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Well I am back here again as I have just started to bleed and cramp, my levels didn't really do much more. My blood test yesterday showed them at 403.8 so they had only gone up 26 points and my progesterone went down to 9 from 30 and it all kicked off this morning.

I am feeling very sad atm as I was sure this would be the one that would work but I was wrong x
(((hugs))) im realy sorry ur having to go through all this life is so unfair and dam right cruel,i hope u are ok if ya wnat a chat or rant just give me a inbox always around to listen and help if i can take care xxxx
Hi hun,

I am stalking all of your threads at the moment - sorry!

If you have any questions just yell but in the meantime make sure you rest, eat and be kind to yourself

Thanks hon, I really appreciate it! Its so unfair as its something I want so badly x
Iv been keeping an eye on your threads too... So so sorry you've started to bleed.x
Thanks everyone. Its just so unfair as Im desperate to have a baby and its not like I have a problem getting pregnant!! Its holding on to it x
I'm in the same boat 3 mc's and an ectopic thinking of you at this horrible time x
Thanks everyone. Its just so unfair as Im desperate to have a baby and its not like I have a problem getting pregnant!! Its holding on to it x

I can't even imagine how awful this must be for you... I just hope that you get a sticky bean soon. And that's your doctor is helping all that they can.x

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