Slimming World!!

Mrs M

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
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I've rejoined tonight weighing a little more than I thought, but I've bought a 12 week countdown, which will take me up to approx. a month before we TTC. I'm hoping to lose 2 stone or more in that time, and then in the last month and my first 2ww I'd like to lose my 3rd stone! I'd like to lose another couple of stone after that too, or at least maintain throughout pregnancy.
Oooo good luck :) I love slimming world, but I'm not a member of a group anymore. I got too obsessed with my weight so trying to just do it on my own now to be healthy but not focus too much on what the numbers on the scales say (just use them as a guide)
Good luck! Me and some friends use my fitness pal to log all our food and it really does help me realise how much I'm eating - lost 1st 8 lbs just using that after my little boy...I have done slimming world too and their recipes are fab! You can do it :thumbup: x
Thanks ladies. I've been doing fine, but mainly cos I can't taste anything, and haven't really wanted to eat anything either! Will do it properly from tomorrow, starting with breakfast!!
Aw good luck! I could never follow any of those diets... I'm just trying to eat a bit more sensibly and go to the gym 3x a week!

Seems there's a few of us here trying to shift weight and get healthy!

I've had a bad weekend for it this week.

I had the most stressful day at work on Friday-something happened at break and it completely shook me up, I was a bit of a mess for two lessons and still not completely back to myself for the last lesson. When I got home and we were talking about food I was just like I want wine and something naughty-so we ended up ordering a curry and sharing a bottle of wine (which actually probably wasn't too bad as we go for tomato based curries... it will just be the naan I ate that was bad) and then today I had a massive roast dinner.

Will see on Tuesday at the gym if I have done any damage... still secretly hoping for a loss, but I'll be happy with a maintain, will be very mad at myself if I've gained weight.
I did the same. Have been alcohol-free all month and then Friday night decided to blow it all on a take-away and a bottle of wine. Woke up on Saturday with food poisoning and am only just now able to eat and drinks again. :( I MUST have lost weight this weekend... But I have a feeling when I am able to eat properly again it'll go straight back on!
Oh no :( hope you feel better soon.

I'm sure it will be okay as long as you eat sensibly once you can eat properly again. Just concentrate on getting better for now.
I've been really bad since getting weighed! Back on it tomorrow!
I'm pissed off with myself that I have left my old habits creep back in so soon! I never made it to get weighed last week and have been so bad since! I've gained 4lbs!!!! Now I have 3 days to try and get that 4lb off! I have 12 weeks til we TTC and I desperately wanted to lose 2-3 stones before hand! I've given my head a wobble, and myself a good talking too, so fingers crossed I can get back on track tomorrow! Must plan! Must plan!!
I'm right there with you. I quit the gym and my personal trainer. I felt like I was working so hard but barely seeing any results (OK I saw no results at all despite working my arse off and eating right and cutting out wine)...

I've had a couple of weeks off and am going to start calorie counting tomorrow again and I bought The Biggest Loser workout DVD so I'm going to do that 5x a week in the mornings and see how I go with that!

We can do this! We had a wobble but we can get back on the ride!
Good luck, I joined ww back in Jan after gaining 18lbs over my healthy bmi so just 8lbs away now after 6 weeks so you should do it no problem :)
Been really good today! Had a completely syn free day, so only ate things that are free!! Fingers crossed my gain this week is small and I'm back on track now!
Well done!! I am doing something similar. Been doing slimming world for 4 weeks and lost 9.5 lbs but anticipating gain this week as going away at weekend. Hoping to loose another 8 before I get hit with morning sickness and have to live off cheese and monster munch (if next pregnanxy is same as last). Planning on starting to try next cycle so got 8 weeks to get it off. All added pressure for us :) could always be ttc longer this time and give me a little longer to loose. The excwrcise might help *winn wink* good luck this week and keep on track :) xx
Woop! I am down 1.9kg or 2.1% of my body weight. LOL Also from where I started in January I have lost 2.6% of my body fat, gained 1.7% muscle and my BMI has gone down by 0.7.

I'm pretty pleased with that!

How's everyone else doing?
I'm sooo glad I didn't just think f*** it, and was really strict all week! I lost 1.5lbs!! Yay! Just 2.5 to my 1st stone, so now I've thoroughly enjoyed my cream egg, I'm gonna work so hard to get my next award!
Well done! You deserved the creme egg! Good luck for this week too :) x

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