Sounds like it would be ideal for you hun
You have Green days and Original days - there are free foods for each but looking at your diet I think green would suit you most. I'll sum it up really basically for you

On green you can eat as much of the following as you like:
Cous Cous
Low fat dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese, fromage frais, Quark)
All fruits and vegetables except tinned fruit
Beans (including baked beans)
Then you have what are called Healthy Extras. You have one or two from 'A' and 2 from 'B':
Your milk allowance (how much you can have depends on whether you have whole, semi skimmed or skimmed milk)
Cheese (a serving of cheddar is 28g)
A serving of bread or cereal (1 serving is 2 slices bread from 400g loaf, or 1 slice wholemeal bread, 2 weetabix, 40g All bran etc)
A serving of fish (1 serving of tinned tuna is 113g)
Cheese (a serving of cheddar is 28g, 2 babybels etc)
Nuts and seeds (can't remember the serving sizes as I don't eat them much!)
Tinned fruit (again, can't remember serving sizes)
Then you have 'SYNS' that you can spend - basically all food has a syn value and you can have up to 15 syns a day. For example:
Low fat hot chocolate - 2 syns
1 tsp lurpak light butter: 2.5 syns
1 single shot of vodka: 2.5 syns
100ml gravy made up as instructed: 1.5 syns
and so on!
Hope this helps
C xxx