Slightly eventful night

Rhino Horn

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
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Sorry for the long post. I'm home and bored so got plenty of time to type!

I had my midwife appointment yesterday afternoon and she did my BP... 140/95. I have high blood pressure anyway and am on medication but she phoned up the hospital and they asked me to come in as there was a bit of protein in my wee too.

So I turned up and it had gone up to 140/110 but that was because I had to walk up the hill, it went down soon after back to 140/95. Bloods all came back ok but I got admitted as they wanted to stabilise me. So, BP meds were doubled, I was woken up all night to they could do my BP and fortunately I was let him this morning.

The docs told me I need to stop work now but I have to have a convo with my boss about it first (want to get signed off sick or work from home for the last 2 weeks rather than go on maternity leave so I can get the cash - wishful thinking maybe?)

Still, it was not as bad as I thought staying in the hospital, and I did get to hear a woman's waters being broken this morning :shock:
Wow, that is eventful!!
I have a feeling that you can't be signed off sick this close to your maternity leave if it's related to the pregnancy as I think they have the right to take the hours off your maternity leave allowance. That's how it is at my work anyway, but don't quote me!
Hope it turns out ok and your boss is understanding!
Wow, that is eventful!!
I have a feeling that you can't be signed off sick this close to your maternity leave if it's related to the pregnancy as I think they have the right to take the hours off your maternity leave allowance. That's how it is at my work anyway, but don't quote me!
Hope it turns out ok and your boss is understanding!

yeah i have a horrible feeling that you're right. He's a bit old school and I can't imagine he will want me working from home for the next 2 weeks but i can only ask!
What a night!! Hope your feeling better chic - I think if you are within 4 weeks of starting your maternity and you need to have time off you must start maternity leave asap - this is in my companys handbook I think most of them are the same, fingers crossed they let you work from home. Feet up and Relax xx

My boss basically agreed that I could work from home (I haven't got very much to do) for the next 2 weeks. I need to go into the office on Wed for a performance review which is something I wanted to do (I did say I wouldn't be in at 9am but would travel in after the rush hour) and then come in on my final day to hand over my laptop and clear my desk. So a win-win situation!

The best thing was he said to me "it's not my money, so i don't care if you don't want to start your maternity leave straight away". Thank goodness for extremely large organisations :lol:
Sorry for the long post. I'm home and bored so got plenty of time to type!

I had my midwife appointment yesterday afternoon and she did my BP... 140/95. I have high blood pressure anyway and am on medication but she phoned up the hospital and they asked me to come in as there was a bit of protein in my wee too.

So I turned up and it had gone up to 140/110 but that was because I had to walk up the hill, it went down soon after back to 140/95. Bloods all came back ok but I got admitted as they wanted to stabilise me. So, BP meds were doubled, I was woken up all night to they could do my BP and fortunately I was let him this morning.

The docs told me I need to stop work now but I have to have a convo with my boss about it first (want to get signed off sick or work from home for the last 2 weeks rather than go on maternity leave so I can get the cash - wishful thinking maybe?)

Still, it was not as bad as I thought staying in the hospital, and I did get to hear a woman's waters being broken this morning :shock:

Glad you are home where you can rest up better than at the hospy.

regarding getting signed off...if you are within 12 weeks of expected due date do they not make you take mat. leave? that is what happened to me with ds when the rob flare got unbearable.

would be nice to get full mat. leave tho :)

Take care xx
glad all is well now and your home get plenty of rest lovely xx
glad all ok now, get lots of rest x x
Ooh glad it all worked out with your boss, that's a brilliant solution :)

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