sleepless nights... and i dont even have a baby yet!!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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im a really heavy sleeper, and if i go to bed at 11pm, i can sleep until 11am the next day if nobody woke me up!

but this last week ive been waking up at 3am every morning for half n hour, and then waking up again at 8.

i never wake up during the night but its happened every night this week!

is this my body training me that this is what is going to happen in a few months time! lol
it could be anything kim,... this has happeend to me loads and loads.. and other mums to be will probably tell u the same.. maybe the babys moving about and waking you?? maybe ur a little uncomfortable and waking? i know why i wake.. its coz i need a wee.. lol
well it cant be the baby kicking me and waking me up cos i can feel buggar all :wall:
It's strange as our bodies are a clock, maybe it is our bodies in the long run getting us ready. I usually sleep around 11pm too but on occasions have woken up at 3am, 4am, 5am at different stages of the preg and not been able to sleep for 30 mins or so after.

Maybe it's one of those things that can never be explain fully?
aww sounds like your body is getting ready for the arrival kimbo :hug:
early morning ... horrible aint it!
but cause your up so early does that mean i can text ya n let ya no how the scan goes in the morning :wink: :lol:
x sophie x
i am getting a bit fed up with wakin up in the nite... last nite it was 3 times.... i get up at 4:30am so was knacekred this morning :-( i can't seem to sleep through at all... i can't manage this for much longer.. not while working a 10 hr shift as well :-(... roll on maternity leave LOL

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