

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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hey ladies me again!!!
im just wondering about the dreaded 4 month growth spurt, jack is now 16 weeks old but he was born at 36 + 4 weeks so will he go through it at 4 months or will it be later because he was early! the feason i ask is jack has started bein a bit grumpy and waking more than usual in the night, he hasnt started feeding more yet xxxx
If it's any consolation, Ricky sleeps more during these so called 'growth spurts'. There are so many different terms ppl come up with for having a grumpy baby phase-colic, teething, growth spurt, clingy phase, it's all guess work and half the time I wonder if they are just bloody tired and can't get to sleep, we all have nights like that don't we? Up until he was one Ricky has needed 16 hours sleep during a 24 hour period in order for him not to be 'grumpy' (just like his dad!).
I think between 4 and 6 months there is a real transition for babies between being able to cope with cat naps and quick feeds and needing bigger feeds and longer periods of sleep, but it's all opinion and you have to go with your instinct (not very helpful I know-sorry!)
Charlotte had hers around 3 months - it can come at anytime, or not really be noticeable. I think it is the age where they start getting more aware - also he could be teething - C cut her first at 4 months. Is he showing any other signs?
hes really grumpy and clingy, seems to be fighting sleep and he is waking loads in the night. chewing hands loads!! his cheeks r a bit red!!

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