Paige has a sleep after every feed. She's fed every 3 hours then we have a little play together ect, then I make her have a nap. So on an average day, this is her sleeping pattern
8am feed, then nap for 30mins - 1hour
11am feed, nap 1-2 hours
2pm feed, nap 30mins - 1hour
5pm feed, nap for 1-2hours
8pm feed, bath, massage ect then bed time
Sometimes she'll try and fight a nap between feeds but Ive learnt from many a fussy night that if she doesnt have a nap between feeds shes a grouchy little madam
I think just do what is working best really. If you and baby are happy going to bed at 10pm then thats fine. Personally Id like Paige to go sleep later but she sleeps from 8pm whether I like it or not!