Sleeping through


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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I honestly couldnt have asked for a better baby than keyan hes the best ever he has been sleeping through the night since about 5 or 6 weeks he's just amazing. I put him down at 10 he sleeps through until 6.00am i get up give him a bottle put him back down until about 10ish then we both get up and watch the cartoons. I cant believe how good he is will he always be like this or will he start wakening up again during the night at some point ? xx
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Well done keyan! I can't wait for charley to sleep through! He went 9.30-2 then 2.30-6 last night so I'm happy with that one feed! 2 feeds are getting annoying now! Lol
Hope keyan keeps it up! x x
thats really good then thats what happened with keyan too then one night he just slept right through i couldnt believe it haha im hoping he keeps it up though :whistle:
herbie is sleeping through has been since about 5wk seems too good to be true coz my other two didnt that early. I found mine started waking in the night again when the started teething not for bottles but restless nights sleep and dolly now 2 shoust for her dummy at lest twice a night I must get it off her soon so happy he is a good boy for you adele xxx
What a good boy!! Drake is not ready to drop his night feed yet as he nearly polishes the whole bottle so I know he's hungry. He's not too bad though, he goes down at 10pm, wakes at 2-3am and then up at 6.30am. So I cant complain!
My lo sept just like this until a few weeks ago and for the past 5 days has got up for a feed between 2-3 i don't know whats going on - can't remember my others doing this! I don't mind though quite enjoy the quiet time together.
well keyan hasnt woke up for a night feed in a really long time so im hoping he is totally out the night feed but u never know when hes teething and that:roll:
herbie is sleeping through has been since about 5wk seems too good to be true coz my other two didnt that early. I found mine started waking in the night again when the started teething not for bottles but restless nights sleep and dolly now 2 shoust for her dummy at lest twice a night I must get it off her soon so happy he is a good boy for you adele xxx

thats good then its a good wee rest when they sleep right through isnt it. Yeah i think keyan will prob start wakening up when hes teething but what can you do eh.. i know what you mean about the dummy keyan is terrible for it just before he falls alsleep he needs his dummy and if it falls out im constantly up and down putting it back in until he goes into a deep sleep then he doesnt bother with it lol
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We had 1 night feed again! Whoo hoo!! So happy we've dropped a feed!
herbie is sleeping through has been since about 5wk seems too good to be true coz my other two didnt that early. I found mine started waking in the night again when the started teething not for bottles but restless nights sleep and dolly now 2 shoust for her dummy at lest twice a night I must get it off her soon so happy he is a good boy for you adele xxx

thats good then its a good wee rest when they sleep right through isnt it. Yeah i think keyan will prob start wakening up when hes teething but what can you do eh.. i know what you mean about the dummy keyan is terrible for it just before he falls alsleep he needs his dummy and if it falls out im constantly up and down putting it back in until he goes into a deep sleep then he doesnt bother with it lol

he much he keyan feeding in the day? herbie has had 3, 7oz bottle since he got up this morning he weighted 13lb last wk at 8 wks dunno if thats why he is sleeping so well.
herbie is sleeping through has been since about 5wk seems too good to be true coz my other two didnt that early. I found mine started waking in the night again when the started teething not for bottles but restless nights sleep and dolly now 2 shoust for her dummy at lest twice a night I must get it off her soon so happy he is a good boy for you adele xxx

thats good then its a good wee rest when they sleep right through isnt it. Yeah i think keyan will prob start wakening up when hes teething but what can you do eh.. i know what you mean about the dummy keyan is terrible for it just before he falls alsleep he needs his dummy and if it falls out im constantly up and down putting it back in until he goes into a deep sleep then he doesnt bother with it lol

he much he keyan feeding in the day? herbie has had 3, 7oz bottle since he got up this morning he weighted 13lb last wk at 8 wks dunno if thats why he is sleeping so well.

well he has one every 4 hours from his morning feed and hes on 6 oz keyan was last weighed 2 weeks ago and he was 9lb 11 hadnt put any weight on but she weighed him on a bed i reckon it caused the scales not to work because she ususally weighs him on the floor.
Well done keyan!!!

Emily sleeps through from 7pm-8am and I love it! She has started to wake at 5.30 (on the dot) but just puts herself back to sleep :-).

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madison has slept thru from 6 weeks and only really wakens if shes unsettled and literally is sore teething ... she sleeps from 9pm till 10/11. she will wake sometimes about 5/6 and play for a bit and then cry but no tears cry and i just let her cry herself to sleep... it sounds cruel but there doesnt be anything wrong with her and i dont want her to learn she can get up in the middle of the night ... i do tend to her if its a pain cry lol xx
If or when your babies wake up through the night do you wait until their crying to feed them or just when their stirring? Charley will wake up so I'll go warm a bottle up but sometimes by the time I've gone back upstairs he's asleep again so I don't know whether to wait until he's proper crying!
If or when your babies wake up through the night do you wait until their crying to feed them or just when their stirring? Charley will wake up so I'll go warm a bottle up but sometimes by the time I've gone back upstairs he's asleep again so I don't know whether to wait until he's proper crying!

I would wait till he is crying hun. I used to do that and get Emily up and she would only take about 30 mls, obviously not hungry!! I started to just leave her and that's when she slept through xxx

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annabelle was doing 7pm-3am then a feed then back till 6am (she literally will not go back to sleep most mornings). so jealous of people whose babies sleep from 7 till 7 x

but friday i just gave her her dummy at 3am and she went back to sleep till 7!! going to start doing that now , hope it works x
well keyan is up most morning at 6.00am for his bottle then he usually would go bk to sleep until about 10 but now when i put him bk down he will lie awake until about 8 ish and will just start crying for me to get up lol aw well i was getting it far to easy anyway i should be glad he sleeps through the night lol

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