Sleeping Routine??


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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I am just wondering what people do as a routine, especially for naps during the day, my lo is 11 weeks old tomorrow she goes up to bed at 7 and we wake her 10.30 for a feed, she usually sleeps until 5-6am, just not sure what to do during the day as she seems really sleepy, am i supposed to put her to bed for a proper nap during the day as i just let her nap whenever but it seems to be alot recently???/
I didn't used to put jacob to bed in the afternoon. I'd put him in his pram and leave his pram near the window so it was still quite light. Don't know if it made any difference but i wanted him to know the difference between day time sleeping and night time when it waas darker. Sleeping from 10.30pm till 6am at 11 weeks old is brilliant... so what ever your doing it's right for you LO...

thomas is quite a bit younger but he will be put to bed around 7:30 every night then he will wake up for his night feeds normaly about midnight and 4am,
as for in the day i let him sleep whenever he wants which is alot hes hardly ever awake tbh hes started staying awake a bit more but still sleeps most of the day and night we are quite luck i surpose :)
Calleigh goes to bed now at about 7.30/8.00pm and sleeps through till about 7/7.30am. She has a feed/change then goes back to sleep for another hour with me in my bed.
Once she is awake we get up for the day bout 9ish.
In the day she is usually awake for about two hours or so at a time. Then she will roughly have about an hours nap. I kinda follow her lead in the day. If she starts rubbing her eyes/yawning/pulling her ears i put her down to sleep.
I am trying to get her to nap in her cot or on my bed, but she seems to only want to sleep when i am with her. So i am going to have to break that habit :?
Becky goes to bed about 8 and then sleeps till around 3. She has a very sleepy feed then is through till half 6 or 7. Then she is VERY awake and will grumble until entertained! She sometimes sleeps for an hour or so between 10 and 11 but in general she is awake most of the day.

She really, really fights sleep in the afternoons and is usually exhausted by 3pm. I put her down and sometimes she sleeps, sometimes she doesn't. She has recently started dozing off about 6pm for half an hour which makes a big difference with the colickyness!
I've never put my LO into his cot for a daytime nap. If he wants to sleep - he'll just drift off wherever he is.

Sometimes I'll put him in a pram, sometimes in his little bouncy chair, or if he's gone to sleep on his activity mat - I'll just leave him there and put a blanket/muslin cloth over him.

He generally has 30min to 1hr in the morning. Then 2 naps in the afternoon.

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