sleeping position

mrs v

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Hi ladies, can someone tell me if you really should not go to sleep on your back at this stage in pregnancy? I am really suffering with hip pain because im lay on my left side all night, I have a pregnancy pillow but its not made it any better :mad:
I can only fall asleep on my side but when I wake up I'm usually always lying on my back lol can't stop it as I obviously do it when I'm fast asleep! Think I read somewhere it's better on your side but I can't remember the reasons why, sorry I'm useless! Xxxx
I never used to feel it comfy to sleep on my back and now its the comfiest position but I always lie on my left side (irrational fear of something or someone coming in through the bedroom window have to fall asleep facing the window lol)

I had stopped lying on my right side as hubby as habit of sprawling across the bed (or should i say just his butt moves) in the middle of the night and scared he (to put it bluntly) bums me in the belly lol xx
I never used to feel it comfy to sleep on my back and now its the comfiest position but I always lie on my left side (irrational fear of something or someone coming in through the bedroom window have to fall asleep facing the window lol)

I had stopped lying on my right side as hubby as habit of sprawling across the bed (or should i say just his butt moves) in the middle of the night and scared he (to put it bluntly) bums me in the belly lol xx

Oh we have same due date!

I just wonder if ill do any harm if I do go to slepp on my back, iv heard something somewhere!
i'm sure i heard it was more down to the weight of the baby etc putting pressure onto a nerve in your back which could make you feel faint etc, i do sometimes lie on my back but not for too long but like you i am also getting the hip ache big style and no amount of pillows etc makes it any better, i only get it when in bed too :eh: xx
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I always wakev up on my back, i try to fall asleep on my left side but sometimes lying on my back is the only position im actually confortable in! Just think ladies it's only gonna get worse the further on we get :(
I never used to feel it comfy to sleep on my back and now its the comfiest position but I always lie on my left side (irrational fear of something or someone coming in through the bedroom window have to fall asleep facing the window lol)

I had stopped lying on my right side as hubby as habit of sprawling across the bed (or should i say just his butt moves) in the middle of the night and scared he (to put it bluntly) bums me in the belly lol xx

Oh we have same due date!

I just wonder if ill do any harm if I do go to slepp on my back, iv heard something somewhere!

Although I have put that my ticker is in front I am still convinced Im due end September if not theres only a few days inbtween us xx
I just sleep in whatever position I can get comfy in. If that's on my back, so be it. I lie on my back quite often x

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I feel your (hip) pain hun! Can't get comfy at all and if I lie on my back I feel a.pressure from my belly. Mump moan :-( xxx
Sympathise with you! I had a google a few days ago as I was getting hip pain (only sleeping on left side) sleeping on my right makes me need a wee and lying on my back was meant to be a "no no". Apparently you can sleep on your back as the chances of you staying in that position all night is quite unlikely! Hope you get a good nights sleep :)
I always drift off to sleep on my right, then move over to my left side then wake up trying to sleep on my back, my pillow is in the way so I am kind of propped up if that makes sense? Hope you manage to find a comfy position xx
I sleep on my sides and on my back, whatever feels the most comfortable at the time. x
Knew I read something about sleeping positions somewhere - was on babycentre.

Sleeping on your side is best while you're pregnant. In particular, sleeping on your left side may benefit your baby by improving blood flow – and therefore nutrients – to the placenta. It also helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body, which in turn reduces swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands.
It's a good idea to start training yourself early in pregnancy to sleep on your left side whenever you can. Of course, staying in one position all night isn't likely to be comfortable, so turning from side to side while favoring your left side is probably the best strategy.
As for sleeping on your back, avoid that position throughout pregnancy, especially in the later months. Here's why:
When you're sleeping on your back, the weight of your uterus lies on the spine, back muscles, intestines, and major blood vessels. This can lead to muscle aches and pains, hemorrhoids, and impaired circulation, which is uncomfortable for you and can reduce circulation to your baby.
Back sleeping can make blood pressure drop, causing some expectant moms to experience dizziness. On the other hand, in some moms-to-be it can make blood pressure go up.
Finally, back sleeping can cause snoring and, with increased weight, could lead to sleep apnea.
Wow thanks for all that info ladies, I think Im just going to do what feels comfy because I was seriously limping before and had to take a paracetamol, unlike me.

Coco cukoo I knew id seen something! I wonder if it means later on as in 35 weeks or so...when your huge.

I have been trying so hard to everything to the book but some things are just going to have to give a little...hope those who are also in agony find a good position too!

Karate Kid - loving your pic!

Thanks again x x
So glad you posted this because I had the same concerns. Deedee is right about the reason, I read the same thing on several web pages that lying on your back applies too much pressure on a main nerve but I thought this only applied in trimester 3 when baby is big.

I love sleeping on my back but before pregnancy loved to sleep on my side which I find uncomfotable now :(

Ladies sleep whichever way you can the main thing with sleeping on your back is the pressure it puts on you. There will come a point when it gets too
Much and you realise you can't breathe!!

Til then I'd say sleep however and wherever you can as the bigger you get the less sleep you get!!
I asked my MW about this because i have a muscle wastage disability which means lying on my sides is agony, makes my back, hips and legs so sore but was scared about harming LO so was just keeping on through the pain. She said sleeping on your back isn't a problem until near the end, by which time like others have said you'll know about it because it will be uncomfortable, although there is benefits to sleeping on your left there's no real danger in sleeping on your back. :)
we had this exact conversation at baby yoga last week as its run by a midwife. She said that the only reason they advise not to lie on your back is that it can make Mum feel unwell. It does nothing to harm baby. She said that if you are comfiest on your back, then lie on your back. She also said its supposed to be best to lie on your right side, but if you did that all night you would get numb, so its perfectly ok to lie on both!

so basically just do what is comfortable. I have got one of those long pillows and put it between by legs. Its lifts the pelvis and is soooooooooo comfy. x
I have the same problem, laying on either side is agony as I am suffering from lower back pain. I can only fall asleep flat on my back and have been this way since around 16 weeks. My mw didn't seem too concerned, sO i'm not that worried. To be honest, if I couldn't lay on my back I would not sleep at all as it is far too painful in any other position! I figured that getting a full night's sleep is better than tryin to sleep on my side and not being able to xx

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