Sleeping on my back!


Sep 17, 2008
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Am I right in thinking that I shouldn't be doing this?

I'm 23 weeks and have just started to show really. I keep waking up on my back! Its not uncomfortable at all and baby moves loads when I am on my back so is it still safe? To be honest I don't know how I can stop it!

Thanks, Nic.
I have the same problem! I had to buy a body pillow with back support to encourage me not to roll onto my back in my sleep! Apparently the baby gets a better flkow of blood if you sleep on your left side and a pregnancy magazine I read said it wasn't good for you to lie on your back after 20 weeks because it affects the blood flow to your lungs or something :?

I do roll onto my back in the morning when I wake up to feel little one's movements though :D
i sleep on my right side, find it hard sleeping any other way, is it bad to do this then?
they say to lie on your left side because the baby could press on the artery or vein in your right side.
tbh in my opinion these sleeping positions are silly, do u think ppl worried bout this when our mums were havin babies? i think not. Its bad enough for us to get comfy as it is without being told the "dangers" of lying on your back. I really don't think there is any danger, but thas my opinion.
I think its just recommended as that is the ideal way to lie but even if you start off on your left side chances are you'll move anyway, nobody lies still all night long, you're always rolling one way or the other. I think if it was causing any pain or upset for you or the baby you would automatically wake up anyway so I wouldnt worry too much.
I try to go to sleep on my left side...but always seem to wake on my back or right side, I go to sleep in the 'correct' position, not sure how to stay in that position though!!
I'm 26 weeks nearly and comfier on my back too.
I know they say to lie on your left but i've also been told to lie whatever way is comfortable.
S x
I found this the other day - basically, you'll wake yourself up if you *do* put too much pressure on your main artery, so I wouldn't worry about how you're sleeping. Lord knows it's hard enough to get comfy as it is without the extra worry of whether you're lying down properly!!
Some doctors specifically recommend that pregnant women sleep on the left side. Because your liver is on the right side of your abdomen, lying on your left side helps keep the uterus off that large organ. Sleeping on the left side also improves circulation to the heart and allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. Ask what your doctor recommends — in most cases, lying on either side should do the trick and help take some pressure off your back.

But don't drive yourself crazy worrying that you might roll over onto your back during the night. Shifting positions is a natural part of sleeping that you can't control. Most likely, during the third trimester of your pregnancy, your body won't shift into the back-sleeping position anyway because it will be too uncomfortable.

If you do shift onto your back and the baby's weight presses on your inferior vena cava, the discomfort will probably wake you up. See what your doctor recommends about this; he or she may suggest that you use a pillow to keep yourself propped up on one side.
To be honest I think its a bit silly to just lie on your left side and to not sleep on your right side or god forbid, your back! Its not going to damage the baby at all and getting a good nights sleep is just as important. Its just not possible to sleep on one side all night, you would end up giving yourself a bad back.

Perhaps overall its "better" but I just don't see this as doable at all and think its a bit over the top.
I'm a PhD qualified biologist, and just thought I'd explain the whole 'dont' lie on your back' thing.

The way we are designed, our main artery (the aorta), runs directly behind the uterus. Therefore, when pregnant and leaning or lying backwards, the weight of the uterus presses on the aorta and can restrict the blood flow through it.

As the aorta directs oxygenated blood to all parts of the body, and restriction in the blood flow, can also restrict how much blood the placenta and subsequently, the developing baby recieves.

Therefore it is ALWAYS better to lie on your side. The left is best but the right is not as bad as lying on your back.

Another reason not to lean backwards or lie back, is that, it encourages the baby to get into a breech position. Which you don't want if you want a vaginal birth.

hope this helps.

I have one of those pregnancy pillows to try and help me sleep on my left. But the past few weeks it's become increasingly difficult to stay on my left side and i've woke up in various positions.

I've talked this over with my mid wife and doctor. Both have advised it's better not to worry about it and get comfortable to get some actual sleep rather than wear yourself out trying to lie the right way.
It's strange as I only seem to be comfortable sleeping on my back when I am pregnant! :lol: I had a body pillow when carrying Marcus, going to get another one this time round as you kind of cuddle it and wrap legs round and stuff. Your partner might complain though that you are cuddling it more than him though! :rotfl:
I wouldn't worry about sleeping on your back I slept on my back until the 3rd tri last time and all was ok. In the 3rd tri I stopped as was only comfortable on my side and never used to roll onto back as was such a struggle to roll over I didn't used to move I used to wake up numb on 1 side!
I've found my Dream Genii body pillow really helps me to stays on my side! You have a long bit that goes down your left side leading onto a bit you put between your knees - this pulls the bit you lie on up a bit so you can rest your bump on it. You also have a back support that stops you rolling over onto your back in the night. I've had the best nights sleep since getting that a couple of weeks ago! Only thing is you've gotta get comfy on it first and make sure it's in the right place! :)
KJ said:
I'm a PhD qualified biologist, and just thought I'd explain the whole 'dont' lie on your back' thing.

The way we are designed, our main artery (the aorta), runs directly behind the uterus. Therefore, when pregnant and leaning or lying backwards, the weight of the uterus presses on the aorta and can restrict the blood flow through it.

As the aorta directs oxygenated blood to all parts of the body, and restriction in the blood flow, can also restrict how much blood the placenta and subsequently, the developing baby recieves.

Therefore it is ALWAYS better to lie on your side. The left is best but the right is not as bad as lying on your back.

Another reason not to lean backwards or lie back, is that, it encourages the baby to get into a breech position. Which you don't want if you want a vaginal birth.

hope this helps.


Sometimes when I lie on my my back and try to get up again, I get a pain in my lower back and down one side of my leg - is that because the baby is lying on something? :think:
I get a reallllly bad pain in my back if i lie on it for more than a couple of mins hence if i do roll onto it in the night i wake up instantly! And the pain takes ages to go! I was in my scan for about 15 mins and i had the most agonising back aches after but it was like a shooting pain, need to speak to my Midwife as im only 20 weeks and well confused about what it might be?
I'm not sure what the pain would be. Usually most women just feel a bit feint if they've been on their back for too long.

It's probably just the weight of the baby and uterus pushing on your spine. With all the weight being in a different place it's probably just putting strain on your back and the muscles that support it.


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