sleeping in your bed?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Do (or did) most people have their newborns seeping in their bed with them when the were first born?

I dont want to do this and would like the baby to be sleeping in a moses basket right from the off for a few reasons. Firstly me and OH are very fidgety and very heavy sleepers and I worry about liying on the baby, i know people say your senses will be increased, however there is always that risk, plus we dont sense each other in bed and have woken up with a thump in the face for example on many occasions, oh and when OH sis (was about 5) at the time slept in bed with me and his younger neice, I kicked her so hard she cried and had a bruise and I pushed his neive out of bed when I was asleep :shhh: the other reason is, my OH mum had his sis in bed from birth and she is now 9 and cries blue murder and will not sleep on her own, they have to wait for her to pass out on the couch, and carry her up. This has put us off for life!
No way!! You are right put them in a moses basket otherwise you are creating a rod for your own back. keep them in room with you but not in same bed. In fact I thought you were advised not to let them sleep with you due to risk of suffocation.
Freya said:
No way!! You are right put them in a moses basket otherwise you are creating a rod for your own back. keep them in room with you but not in same bed. In fact I thought you were advised not to let them sleep with you due to risk of suffocation.

yeh I was thinking moses basket in the room but NEVER in the bed! I thought that about suffocation as well, but I seem to read so many posts with peeps saying ''LO sleeps in bed with me and OH etc etc'' so I thought it was common!
Brody often fell asleep on the boob in my bed. It suited us for lots of reasons, he was waking so often OH was on the couch for a while so we had lots of room. I always put him down at first in his rocking crib but in the night I'd fall asleep while he was feeding so we both slept there.
I found it lovely to have him sleeping so close to me, but it isn't for everyone.

Do what you feel comfortable with :)
none of mine ever slept in the same bed as me when they were newborns, my oldest whos nearly 3 sometimes sleep in my bed with me
i must admit ive dosed of with madi in bed with us but i knew she was there (if you get what i mean lol)
I love sleeping with Stanley but OH isn't comfortable with it, so when he's at work we often curl up for a nap :D
We were the same as Urchin. Olivia was waking so frequently for feeds that I got more rest from letting her stay in our bed and feeding her lying down.

I stopped doing that when she was able to wriggle herself about - I was so worried she'd fall out of bed then and moved her into her cot in her own room and didn't have any probs.

I never felt comfortable with Kayleigh in my bed, so she never was. And DH would sleep through WW3 so I daren't let Charlie sleep in with us. TBH, I enjoy my space in bed, and feel happier knowing Charlie has his space.

I have friends that have all 3 kids in their bed with them every night, and they are 8, 5 and 4. Everyone has their own tastes, but that's too much for me.
I don't often do it but sometimes I bring Nathan into bed with me. I didnt do it before he was 4 months though :)
We're not gonna have LO in with us mainly for the same reasons as you Jenny!

Although at first i was gonna just put LO into their own room, we've now decided to have them in our room until we get our new house, but the moses basket will be right beside us, i just don't like the idea of them being in bed with us incase one of us rolls onto LO for example.
I should say I co-slept a lot with Mason when he was a baby and never have any probs now...he knows he sleeps in his own bed and that's the end of it.
Mia used to sleep in with us when she was young, because i found it was easier feeding her and i got more rest doing this. We then moved her out at about 3 months into her own cot....but she still comes in our bed in the morning for a cuddle before daddy has to get up for work!

Amy xx
I was adamant that Leorah wouldn't sleep in the same bed as me for exactly the same reasons as you! In reality she finds it really hard to settle due to stomach problems and can't lay flat on her back so for now she is with me and I do sleep but I am aware she is in the bed. As soon as her digestive system matures and she goes longer between feeds I plan to put her in her cot in her own room. I was worried about problems getting her to sleep alone later but my Mum pointed out that in the whole of the animal kingdom its natural for newborns to snuggle up to their Mum :)
I'd never let them sleep with me, i just don't feel comfortable with it. The only time they ever come in my bed is when we are already awake in the morning and just don't want to get up yet.
Personally I would never sleep with my baby in the bed due to the risks of squashing/suffocating them.

As others have said, it can create big probs later on when they won't go back into their own beds. Isaac has learnt to get himself off to sleep and come 8pm, he's fast out.

I know a lot breastfeeding mums do it, they did in the hospital when I was in.

We had Isaac in a moses basket next to the bed until he outgrew it a couple of weeks ago. It worked really well for us. He was nice and safe and we could check that he was OK and he could sense us around him which is supposed to help avoid SIDS from something I read somewhere.
skatty said:
my Mum pointed out that in the whole of the animal kingdom its natural for newborns to snuggle up to their Mum :)

Do you know I read somewhere that's why babies are born with such a powerful grip so they can hang on to us. Just think of when you see chimps with the babies clinging to their backs?

We're the only mammals in existence who seperate our babies from us so young.

I did the same till Kiara was 6 months, started cuz of my section was easier ot feed her laying down then we would both fall asleep, and i loved snuggling up to her and feeling her breathe made me sleep easier.
But it was hard to put her in her crib when it was time and it took a good week and now she is used to it, i still have the odd naps with her in my bed though i wake up to her smiling at me its great. :)
As for thsi next baby coming i will not be doing this..and please remind me i said this lol......
Do what you feel is right hun
Initially when Otis was born he used to sleep in his moses basket next to our bed, but I quickly realised that from around 5/6am he becomes very fidgity especially as he got bigger and the basket got smaller. So since he was around 4wks old he has been sleeping in his own bed in the nursery and still when he wake at around 5/6am I pick him up and leave him in our bed so he can feed when he likes and gives me a wee bit of extra rest! :wink:
urchin said:
Brody often fell asleep on the boob in my bed. It suited us for lots of reasons, he was waking so often OH was on the couch for a while so we had lots of room. I always put him down at first in his rocking crib but in the night I'd fall asleep while he was feeding so we both slept there.
I found it lovely to have him sleeping so close to me, but it isn't for everyone.

Do what you feel comfortable with :)

ditto. I co slept with all of mine.
Breast feding mothers tend to make an invisiable barrier around their babies and its rare they are smothered becasue of this.

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