Sleep? What is that?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2014
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Morning ladies, as the title says sleep is completely an anomaly to me now. I can't get to sleep until 2/3 o'clock in the morning and then I am waking at 6 or 7. I can't nap during the day any more, every time I lie down, I just lie there. I used to be a 8/9 hours a night girl, so this is completely wrecking me.

In the evenings, I make sure I have a long walk, bath, put on lotions and potions but I just can't sleep. At night time restless legs kick in and in the morning time I wake up, wide awake and can't get back to sleep.

Is anyone else like this? Any advice or tips? Is this our bodies getting ready for baby and lack of sleep? When baby is here will I be able to nap? The thought of years of this is depressing :wall2::wall2::wall2:

The next person who tells me to rest and sleep will get a slap btw lol!
Oh I remember people saying that last time like you can just pop sum sleep in the bank for later when u need it!!!

I'm afraid that nearer the end sleep does become a prob but once baby is here u will prob b able to sleep again when u can. I never cud nap in the day. I'm struggling to as I'm lying awake thinking of things n then getting woken up at least once for my son never-ending his dummy n then he wants to get up at 5.30 lately when he was always 6.30 sumtimes 7!!

Even if you just lie down with a good book or a film your body will rest which is better than nowt! Sleep is ever elusive at this stage, it keeps me sane to think it's our bodies trying to prepare us for all those sleepless nights. Even if you don't sleep, set aside a couple of hours to just lie down and completely relax. Easier said than done though!

Oh noooo, you are scaring me! I'm only week 28 and already experiencing disturbed sleep... and you are telling me I may not be getting much sleep later on either :cry: But I love to sleep sooooo much!
You'll be surprised how quickly you adapt to such little sleep, the lack of sleep towards the end of pregnancy did seem to prepare me for baby's arrival. I find it more annoying this time as my little boy is sleeping through again and this is a reminder of what is to come again haha x
Oh noooo, you are scaring me! I'm only week 28 and already experiencing disturbed sleep... and you are telling me I may not be getting much sleep later on either :cry: But I love to sleep sooooo much!

Im thinking the same Karolina!! We can keep each other company during the night! haha! x
I managed 6 hours last night, the most I've had in weeks! I did have to get up three times for the toilet though :)
It's awful isn't it. But surprisingly, it doesn't seem to affect my mood too much. Thanks for the responses ladies, I feel bad enough but couldn't imagine how you all do it with little ones running around too!

Khtw and Shelly, yep lack of sleep seems to be common at the end... The joys of pregnancy :-)
My insomnia has started to set in again too, it's so annoying going to bed & tossing & turning most of the night only to fall asleep when ur due to get up for work!
Im up now , apart from night wees it really is our bodies/babies getting us ready for those 2 hrly feeds, its amazing how ok yourll feel on tiny amounts of sleep in the end tho so don't worry xx

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