Sleep training...!

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Has anyone done anything in particular with regards to sleep training? I don't know if 10 weeks is too young to be worrying about it really. I want Brooke (eventually) to be able to go down & fall asleep on her own (at the mo she falls asleep on me & I put her down 20mins later) and her also to have a solid lunchtime nap of around 2 hours; she's currently having three, 45 min cat naps throughout the afternoon which is a bit limiting.

Have you ladies got any tips and when did you start sleep training, if at all? I'm such a worrier I worry I'll be letting her fall asleep on me until she's 9! X you mind if I thread stalk hun? Was just about to start a thread with exactly the same questions lol :) xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Not at all love, hoping some other Mummy's have some tips! X
I started at 4 weeks but I was suffering from pnd so didn't care (sounds so horrible) I did controlled crying and after afew days it worked and he'd go to sleep on his own.
Do I regret it? No cos he's now brilliant at sleeping but i wish he wasn't so young :(
I didnt start any sleep programme until G was 5 months and had gone through on his own - this was purely because he was only on breastmilk and i wasnt confident that he wasnt crying for food until he had gone through on his own. What i did did involve letting him cry but i'm so pleased that I stuck it out as he went through and it made daytime naps at home much easier.
For about the past 4 or 5 weeks, we've been putting Poppy upstairs in her cot at 9pm every night. She is usually still awake at this time. We tuck her in, say goodnight etc, switch the monitor on, turn the light off and we come downstairs and leave her to it. She has a fisher price precious planet mobile which is FAB, and we usually turn that on before we come downstairs. We'll hear her cooing and babbling a bit on the monitor for about 15mins or so, then she'll fall asleep by herself. This has been working really well for us. xx
Ive never done any kind of sleep training tbh. Paige would only have cat naps, always has and always will I think, although now shes older occassionally she'll sleep for a while, like an hour or so. Sometimes some babies just have cat naps and arent really big nappers. Even though Paige will mostly only sleep for half an hour, she sleeps about 12/13 hours at night and has done with very few blips since 6 months so maybe youll be lucky in that respect. I know of other babies who have 2 naps a day that last just over an hour at the same time each day but theyre awful with sleeping at night :/

Also, don't worry about her napping on you. Thats perfectly normal. Even now at almost 15 months I still rock Paige before putting her down (even though shes awake when I put her down). Its uber comforting for them and eventually she might want to go sleep on her own.
i just started a routine from day one and when she had had a feed i would put her straight down in her cot after kiss goodnight then if she woke up just kept putting dummy in till she fell asleep and just kept doing that until eventually she didnt wake up was hard work but worth it in long run i can now put her down wide awake and she will get herself to sleep and very rarely do i have to put her dummy in at night and she sleeps 7-7/8ish every night x
Drake has always slept on me for naps, i normally put him down on the couch when he's out for the count then. But night time i've always put him down awake. I started with 10pm at around 3 months. When he got used to that i'd bring the time up by 30 mins gradually bringing it forward till he was going to bed at 7pm (bear this in mind, he was 8 months when this started happening!) He'd go down with his monitor, i'd swaddled him in the beginning and wait till he's a little sleepy and put him in. I'd always stay with him till he fell asleep, i still do now. It's taken a long time but he sleeps 7-7 now and he loves his bed and waves and says night night to everyone at bedtime!

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