Sleep regressions... Do they really exist?

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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As the title says....

When I read about people going through the 4 month sleep regression I thought everyone was making it up, at 4 months, charley improved on his sleep and started sleeping through or going the whole night without milk just afew needing to put dummy in but since he's turned 6 months he's been a nightmare!
He wakes 2-3 times a hour, then when it gets too half way through the night I give in and give him a bottle. It takes ages for him to drink only afew ounces so I don't think he's hungry then he goes back to sleep for a couple of hours then starts waking again!
When he wakes he doesn't cry, it's either little moans or he chats to himself!
If anyone does believe in regressions, how long does it take for them to go back to sleeping normally?!
I'm shattered :(
x x x
I don't know if I believe in them, but I know it's bloody hard when they don't sleep well. My little one has been waking every 1-2 hours every night wanting a feed for a week now and I'm starting to get so tired... So I'm telling myself it's a growth spurt and every night I hope it's going to be better. He has never slept through but he used to only wake up twice and I was quite happy with that. Hope it improves for you very soon!
amelia started to get worse out night around 4 months old it took about a week and half but she was poorly aswell x
Charley's not ill so it's not that! I've totally taken for granted that he was sleeping really well!
He's learnt how to say baba and dada and thats what he's started doing through the night! I love the fact he's talking but not through the night!
Kinda hoping he'll go back to normal sleeping in afew nights!
i just ignor amelia cause from 5 ish she can wake and talk to herself x
I don't really think they exsist to be honest. Paige would sometimes only wake once, or sometimes wake up every 1-2 hours up until about 5 months or so, and so I just figured it was her working out how to sleep and work out how it all goes. I take for granted that she sleeps so well now, but oh I remember waking up and being shattered all day over and over again.
I'm not sure! We had 2 weeks of hell around the 4 month mark and tbh he's normally fine now but there is still the odd night when he'll wake up a few times.
Well for the 4th night running we had another unsettled night. Stirred about 4-5 times before I gave in and fed him at 2.20 then woke another couple of times before getting up at 5.50!! OH's back to work tomorrow so I'm gonna leave him to chat for a bit longer before settling him x x

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