Sleep issues driving me mental


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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For the last few weeks Cahal has completely forgotten how to sleep properly. Nothing has changed, he follows the same routine but is now waking 5-6 times a night. Sometimes it takes over an hour to get him back to sleep only for him to wake up 30 minutes later and have to start all over again.

I'm now so tired I'm struggling to keep on top of housework etc and the other day felt myself getting really sleepy at the wheel which scared ne so much I haven't driven since! Poor Cahal is also knackered but just resists sleep for as long as he can... Does anyone have any advice?I'm slowly going insane with sleep deprivation :(
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is he waking to eat or just waking up..

when Jack was doing this i changed his food to hungrier baby food and he was so much better through the night.

hope it gets better hun x
Might be the 4 month sleep regression he's going through? Persevere, he'll come out of it soon as long as you keep to the routine. I'm dreading this part!

Other than that I'm not sure what it could be, Does he sleeps a lot in the day?
:hug: Morgans just come out of this phase, I totally feel your pain :(

In the end I used to go to him as soon as he stirred and put a dummy in his mouth. I dont really recommend it as he would then wake every so often when his dummy fell out :doh:

I upped him to stage 3 (fast flow) teats and he started taking a lot more milk in each feed so I think thats why hes slept through now. I think Cahal is BFing tho isnt he? Have you considered controlled crying? We did it but not as strict as the proper one, basically when he started Id make myself wait 5 mins before going to see him and sometimes he did go back to sleep. I think maybe I was waking him up more by going and comforting him.
Thanks everyone, Cahal is still solely breast fed but I have been thinking of topping him up with formula before he goes to bed, I'll try anything at the moment! Perhaps I'll give that a go and see how he is.

He's not always hungry when he wakes, most of the time he's just lay there beaming his head off but cries when I don't go to him. I've had to remove the bumper from his cot because he kept playing with it and that wasn't helping either. Last night he went to bed at 7 as normal, then woke at 10:30, 11:30, 12:15, 2:15 (then took until 4:30 to get back to sleep) and was wide awake and ready to get up at 6am. Knackered!!

He doesn't sleep much during the day either Yodabo - he's never been a good sleeper tbh but I thought we were getting somewhere when he started only waking once during the night. Let's hope it is just the 4 month sleep regression, and that this isn't my life for the next x number of years. Agggghhh!!!!!!!
Yeah i read giving them formula in the night helps them sleep longer as it takes longer to digest.

Really hope you manage to sleep soon Hun xx

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